Now that I'm getting on in years I've given some thought to stop driving when I reach a certain age {or sooner if circumstances dictate} and so I've been having a glance at alternative modes of transport should I wish to continue going on holiday in this country or visit relatives out of Derbyshire.
Judging by what I've seen so far as regards trains and National coaches it's looking a bit costly, and these are todays prices
For example the two of us to visit a relative down south at todays prices by train, two return tickets with two train changes going and two coming back the cheapest is about the £240 mark.
National coaches return tickets with one coach change going and one coming back is about the £80 mark, the prices vary a lot depending on what day and time you travel and both of which run on schedules so you can't really please yourself.
We are going on a coach trip to a hotel down south later this year for 5 days, full board total price £990, if I had booked the trip myself and driven I estimate expenses and room to be £600 tops.
No wonder people in their eighties and nineties are still driving........there's no incentive not to.