These roundabouts are far too big and I for one just don't like using them. Take for example if I visit Sainsbury's or even the crem I always go through Piccadilly and Tapton, I usually use the r/b on the return journey as I only have to take the first left both the Tesco and Horns bridge one, luckily I very rarely have to go near the Whitt moot r/b.
The worst one for me is Horns bridge going into town, as soon as you get off {nr. the Range} everybody suddenly decides they're in the wrong lane and start cutting one another up {tourists with caravans are the worst}
I've never understood why there are traffic light ON the islands, the lights change for you to get onto the island and then 30 feet in your met with a red light, surely it would be better to have your light change one at a time and you can navigate the island without stopping and the island would be clear in time for the next set to change, admittedly this would lead to slightly longer waits at the lights and you would still get those going through on red {like at temporary lights} but your exit road would be clear.