With my posts bemoaning Chesterfield it sounds like I've got it in for Chesterfield, maybe I have, but other towns of roughly the same size are also as bad so Chesterfield is not alone in urban decline I was just using Chesterfield as a {good} example.
People may ask {as I'm Chesterfield born and bred} why do I seemingly berate it so, it's simple, I say as I find, just because I was born here does not mean I have a moral obligation to support it. Whenever I go to town nowadays nothing seems to change, new shops do open yes, but then usually within a couple of months they are shut again. I happened to be on Packers row yesterday stood outside what used to be Greenwoods tailors, Packers row is what 250 yards long? and at the moment there are 3 empty shops on it, and that's just one small street in the town. The market, to say it was a Friday as usual was a joke, possibly 8 to 10 stalls max most of them selling tat.
Not only are there empty shops all over town but just think of the empty business premises above them.
So if you then take away the charity shops, the betting shops and pound shops and you'll be left with next to nothing.
I read in the D.T. that Chesterfield Council are trumpeting all this new business that's {supposed} to be coming to Chesterfield, all I can say is, if true, they want to hurry up.