Anybody out there a member?
Daughter down South just became a member and asked us why we don't join were retired plenty of time on our hands so I thought why not!
Had a look at the prices and looks reasonable, and as with virtually everything I look up on line if I'm going to put my hand in my pocket I check up. So I looked up N.T. reviews on Trustpilot, wow.... basically 60% of reviewers gave them a real thumbs down for one thing or another, for every "good" review there's at least six bad ones.
Among the criticisms were, "encouraging" foxhunting, de-forestation, places shut when supposed to be open, surly/ uncooperative staff, extortionate prices for food and drink, poor administration the list goes on.
I will check on other sites {if any} for more reviews but as of this moment it doesn't look like I'll be joining any time soon.
If you are a member and your satisfied please let me know.