Author Topic: Can't beat them join them legalize drugs  (Read 1534 times)

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Can't beat them join them legalize drugs
« on: January 26, 2016, 06:48:29 PM »
It might seem strange for me to post this given what Iv said about Sheffield's drug and gun culture but given on what Iv seen over the years its clear the war against drugs is not working. Like Iv said before drugs for the most part are fueling gun crime each passing year we are seeing more people shot dead in the street as each gang fights another to gain more territory and just recently in Sheffield's Star the Police are planning to let go 250 people which means less Police on the beat so more crime will be left as a crime number and not investigated as their will be no one to deal with it. Another fact about drugs is that it generators money for terrorist groups who know that big bucks can be made out of the drugs trade. Governments around the world throw millions of their money on trying to crush drug rings but take one dealer out two replace them at a time of economic difficulties can we really throw away money on a hopeless battle? I don't believe in drugs Iv seen their efforts but it is up to the individual if their want to take that drug it makes no difference if the law says its illegal they will take it and with less Police about who's going to stop them? Some countries have already legalized some drugs the effects resulted in the street value going down as it left dealers high and dry people lost interest because it was no longer taboo and lost its appeal. I sure their is good arguments about keeping drugs illegal but the same can be said for their decriminalization too. But to me the choice is keeping throwing away money or beat them at their game?
Ex Newbold ex Arbourthorne, Sheffield now sunny Dronfield.


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Re: Can't beat them join them legalize drugs
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 10:08:36 PM »
I don't see how we can "beat them at their game".
Police resources are at an all time low - so it would seem to me to logically legalise it.
Same as prostitution - you will never stop it - might as well say OK and regulate it in some way?!?
If this in anyway helps to remove the turds from New Beetwell St during the day with their Special Brew & other ingestions.... don't hold your breath >:(
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Re: Can't beat them join them legalize drugs
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2016, 07:33:32 PM »
I would be very loath at legalising drugs, just a visit to South America with armed police on every street was enough for me.

We would have more out of work and robbing to fuel their habit.

I suppose the obvious way would be to put much more money into the campaign to scale down the drugs rings but I know it's a huge challenge - look at smoking it's been going on for years and only now are some getting to grips with the realisation that they are a killer.
The government in this country are not going to do that though are they - that would mean cutting back on profits and that means more than lives to these that are in at the moment.

I'm sad for the drug users who have had the need and pressures to go down this route ( the pushers are very clever in getting them addicted ), but I feel so sorry for the parents of the addicts ( and yes I know some ) it has to be heart breaking for them.

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Re: Can't beat them join them legalize drugs
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2016, 08:11:49 PM »
I would be very loath at legalising drugs, just a visit to South America with armed police on every street was enough for me.

We would have more out of work and robbing to fuel their habit.

I suppose the obvious way would be to put much more money into the campaign to scale down the drugs rings but I know it's a huge challenge - look at smoking it's been going on for years and only now are some getting to grips with the realisation that they are a killer.
The government in this country are not going to do that though are they - that would mean cutting back on profits and that means more than lives to these that are in at the moment.

I'm sad for the drug users who have had the need and pressures to go down this route ( the pushers are very clever in getting them addicted ), but I feel so sorry for the parents of the addicts ( and yes I know some ) it has to be heart breaking for them.
But the same thing could be said of alcohol  thats a drug but its perfectly acceptable drug but  it costs millions to treat addicts each year. The cold turth is we like to get high either though booze or drugs.
Ex Newbold ex Arbourthorne, Sheffield now sunny Dronfield.


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