Happy birthday 🎂 so how old are you 60 perhaps?
No yet LOL
Feb 5th, 1988, first 'Comic Relief' day. We(Mum, dad, and kids), had been moved into a temp bungalow as the Coal Board were doing subsidence work in our house.
I ended up in the Sportsdrome Club in Bolsover, totally wrecked, dancing around like a tw*t with a 'Red Nose' on.
Sometimes you know you are doing wrong but are too pi**ed to care
All was sort of Ok till I tried to go home, got halfway there but my legs died and I found myself crawling
By the time I'd crawled through the door of the bungalow I was about ratted.
The kitchen floor looked good enough to sleep on, but I didn't recognise the rug ??
That's when the light came on and I saw the old couple looking at me. I'd got the wrong bungalow
Thankfully they recognised me and helped me round to the right bungalow.
I woke the following morning on the bedroom floor
always found it strange, you can be so drunk and incapable but still remember nearly everything.
One thing I also remember from that night was vowing to call my daughter Tiffany, if I ever had one that is