Is this a good idea do you think, I'm thinking if work could be staggered it may be helpful but if roads were are urgently in need of repair would it make any difference?
Plans for a new permit scheme have been agreed to reduce the disruption to drivers caused by roadworks and get traffic moving across the county.
Our Cabinet approved plans to submit the draft proposal to the Government on Tuesday.
The scheme would mean any utility company - gas, water, electricity - will have to apply for a permit from the county council to carry out work on the busiest roads, allowing it to manage when and where roadworks would take place to help reduce congestion on the roads.
The new system also gives us the power to fine companies who fail to apply for a permit or who do not complete the works within the given timescale
Councillor Joan Dixon, our Cabinet Member for Jobs, Economy and Transport said:
Whether it's to improve the road, repair gas and water pipes or fix problems with the electricity supply, roadworks are a necessary part of modern day life.
"But we all know how frustrating it can be when we're sat in traffic queues caused by roadworks - and even more so when we get caught up in several on one journey.
"By improving the way we work with utility companies we can plan and coordinate roadworks better across the county to minimise any disruption to residents and motorists."
If approved by the Government a permit scheme could be introduced by April 2015 subject to a future meeting of Cabinet.