So ok
Scimitar I'm not sure 'what' you mean by complicated?
HELP :!Pervy Pam wants to know why gentlemens trouser department can get "complicated"
I suggest 3 items that can be out of position - i.e. uncomfortable, and need to be repositioned.
Sitting down on a testicle is not recommended - ouch!
Mens "Willies" have their own brain, and will for no apparent reason...spring into arousal - so what does a man do, or think about to put it to sleep?
As I said, its complicated "down there" for a bloke, unlike you beautiful ladies who can look so wonderful at all times of the day without having the need to rearrange your undercarriage.
Maybe the odd Tena lady or two, in privacy, but thats it.
You wonderful, beautiful ladies do not know how difficult it is living with our manly bits.