Is there not a monopolies commission anymore to stop this type of overwhelming spread of Tescoland?
My employers (Stag@@ach) can't muscle in on someone else's territory without an investigation (allegedly) otherwise they would have obliterated every other bus operator in the land (or tried to).so they are regulated in some way, unlike Tesco which is buying every pub it can find to sell its stuff.
I may be sounding thick here, but i think we also need a monopolies commission to regulate on major retailers like Tesco taking over village shops, and driving the small shop owner out of business.
Conversley, and I'm not racist, how long before most locally run shops by foreign nationals go bust.
Go back to India/ Pakistan. Not likely, because they've lived here for long enough to claim from our benefits system, and quite rightly will do so.
By the way, hypocrite that I am, I will shop there. I will most unlikely have a choice not to.
Cant wait to see the articulated lorry trying to reverse in to the former somerset House car park to deliver its goods whilst the ambulance on the way to the hospital trying to save the life of a critically ill patient whose life is on the line....
Doesn't bear thinking about does it :!