Author Topic: Its your own stupid fault  (Read 4817 times)

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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2013, 09:52:13 PM »

Nuff said, I won't bang on about it (although I could), but a revisitation of the Highway Code would not come amiss now and again.
After all, folks like my Dad passed their test 50 plus years ago.
Can you tell me (anyone) last time you read the Highway Code?

Completely agree. Everyone should have a re-test every 5-10 years to ensure they are competent drivers. In almost all professions re-training or refresher courses are mandatory. Why not driving???
Having spent 22 years in highway maintenance doing a job correctly and also a health and safety manager it frustrated me the amount of paperwork and money involved to update training details via refresher courses yet people can legally drive badly/incorrectly for 50+ years and nobody checks their competence. Crazy!!!!


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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2013, 06:49:41 AM »

Can you tell me (anyone) last time you read the Highway Code?

Bike test 9 years ago. Got 100% on the theory. (Though have looked at it occasionally since)


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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2013, 09:06:45 AM »
Quote from a previous post "Everyone should have a re-test every 5-10 years to ensure they are competent drivers. In almost all professions re-training or refresher courses are mandatory. Why not driving???"

Who would pay for the retests?  Refresher courses are normally paid for by the company you work for.

Besides, look now how many people drive around with no tax, insurance, licence etc.  They wouldnt take a retest but they would still carry on driving.

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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2013, 10:13:42 AM »
Another thing - how many people realise they need to renew driving license after 10 years if it's the plastic one - do they send out reminders?
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2013, 10:49:20 AM »
Another thing - how many people realise they need to renew driving license after 10 years if it's the plastic one - do they send out reminders?

In a word.................yes, my daughter received one a few months back, I have to say I'm glad about that as the chances of me remembering are........................sorry, forgot what I was on about again!!  >;
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2013, 10:53:35 AM »
Went to Tesco this morning and was going along Hawksley Avenue towards the Highfield Hotel and, coming in the opposite direction (opposite the car wash), was a lorry followed by a bus. All of a sudden a red 'sporty type' car pulled out from behind, I thought 'he's never going to try and overtake them'.

No he didn't, but what he did was even more stupid!! He pulled onto my side of the road, stopped and then began to manouvere/reverse into his drive (next door to the car wash)  :o

Sorry to be stereotypical, but it was a young(ish) lad!  >:(
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2013, 12:56:10 PM »
ohhh yess the boy racing brigade, have come across those. Two young lads once flogged their small old banger to pass me on the flying mile - I was doing the top speed limit at the time quite easy in the two litre estate. They laughed as they passed me --- but the smoke which emitted from the back of their car wasn't a laughing matter. and then ----
we have the blue rinse or flat cap brigade, weaving about on the road or trundling away at 25- 30 miles in a 60 and NO ONE can pass them  >:
Do my friggin head in  >:( 
Rant over  ;D
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2013, 05:37:05 PM »
we have the blue rinse or flat cap brigade, weaving about on the road or trundling away at 25- 30 miles in a 60 and NO ONE can pass them  >:
Do my friggin head in  >:( 
Rant over  ;D

They irritate the hell out of me.
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2013, 05:59:57 PM »
I feel road rage a cummin on just thinkin bout em  >:
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2013, 06:02:36 PM »
You gotta love boy racers.  Chav up the car, spend loads of money on it and its looks shitter than the actual model.

We used to have a car at work that wasnt marked up with the engine size etc, was great at lights when boy racers were trying to get ahead.  They couldnt as it was a 2.0 TDI.  Funny to see them try though
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2013, 06:08:43 PM »
I used to love pulling alongside boy racers at traffic lights on my motorbike.
I'd sit there blipping the revs, then when the lights turned to orange,
watch the jerks speed off caning the hell out their car. Daft beggars  :))
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2013, 06:25:59 PM »
You gotta love boy racers.  Chav up the car, spend loads of money on it and its looks shitter than the actual model.

We used to have a car at work that wasnt marked up with the engine size etc, was great at lights when boy racers were trying to get ahead.  They couldnt as it was a 2.0 TDI.  Funny to see them try though
Makes me laugh when they chav it up so much with the "amendments" below the bumpers, and they can only go over a speed bump at 1mph in case they rip it off :))
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Re: Its your own stupid fault
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2013, 10:59:18 AM »
Why do they sit hunched over the steering wheel peering through the front screen? I reckon they must all need bino's - and taking off the road  >:
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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