Emmz - lovely photo.
Fly I wouldn't bother too much about your weight at this point in time
C.Chris - you said you wanted to lose weight this year will you join a slimming group?
I need to carry on with losing weight - put some back on since July when mum passed away. Over the years since I hit 40 i have gone from 8 stones wet through (as the saying goes) to telly tubby
Whilst waiting to have my gall bladder removed a few years ago I was on a low fat diet of fish, jacket potato, chicken,salad etc etc, and I lost around 2 stones. When I went in for my op I was told that, although I no longer have a gall bladder I would still have the propensity to make gall stones
, so I should reduce my fat intake on a permanent basis.
I've generally gone along this but do allow myself 'luxury' items (eg butter, red meat, ice cream etc etc) and also now have larger portions - the strange thing is that, of the 2 stones I lost, I've only put about ½ stone back on.