I did it twice
by delaying the time of my first ciggie of the day a little bit. To begin with, my routine was get up; kettle on, ciggie. I started by putting off the first one until I got to work, dealing with any craving by saying that I'd only have to wait a bit longer. Once that was ok I pushed the first one back a bit, to coffee break. Then lunch, then tea-time; after about six or eight weeks I was at the stage where I wasn't having my first one of the day until about 8 or 9 at night. At that point it seemed stupid
not to stop completely. Thing is, inside you, you've absolutely got to
need to stop. Just
wanting to isn't enough, and folk who have will know the difference.
Been off them for about seven years or so, now, but for a long time after I'd wake up in the morning utterly convinced that I 'd had one the night before. I could even taste it, sometimes. A really peculiar feeling, but I suppose that's addiction for you.