It is a difficult one, and I think you would have to look at it on a case by case basis.
It would be easy for me as a Blade, to make excuses for Ched Evans, but I think the guilty decision was right.
In that case, the woman had sex with another footballer first, and he was also charged but was found not guilty. Though drunk, she willingly got picked up by him and went back to his hotel room, so how can you determine in that situation, what consent was or was not given.
However, it was after he had finished, that Ched Evans then entered the room, and had his turn, while his brother filmed it through the window. So much easier to see that she wasn't consenting to that when she initially got picked up.
On the broader issue of rape, though I think we have to protect / support the victims, I also think that we should do more to protect men who are charged maliciously when they have done nothing, maybe an ex just wants to stitch him up...I think that sort of stuff is on the increase.