So we have mostly all followed government guidance regarding lockdown and what do we learn, the guidance the public was given was apperently wrong, if we have contracted covid 19 we do not have to follow goverment instructions and instead can follow our own instincts, the government gave us all clear instructions and forgot to tell us it did not apply to themselves, as and when it suited them we learn that we can travel up to260 miles to see our family while being highly infectious and we can also go for a 60 mile round trip in the car and go for a walk on a bank holiday weekend just so long as "we are checking our eysight?" WHAT!, a person beleives he may not be fit to drive because of compromised eyesight and the only way to check this is to make a sixty mile round trip in the car, are we supposed to swallow this BULLSH*T i for one do not accept any of cummings excuses, as i would not from anyone else, these people think that we the public are stupid.