Author Topic: Chesterfield - the first Super Kitchen or should it be Soup Kitchen?  (Read 3538 times)

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Old Cruser

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Well folks here we are!
We have arrived now at a stage where we now need Soup Kitchen's!
The UK is going backwards!!!! -
Or is it a good idea???

Community groups invited to visit super kitchen event
10 November 2015

Derbyshire's first Super Kitchen social eating event will take place this week. It's part of a partnership project to create community eating spaces and tackle food poverty using surplus supermarket produce.

We're supporting Super Kitchens in partnership with surplus food redistribution charity FareShare East Midlands and Eudaimonia, a charity that runs the kitchens and other sustainable social projects.

The social eating event will be hosted on Friday 13 November 2015 by Holmgate Church in Clay Cross, which is the first local group to sign up to the scheme. It plans to open its Super Kitchen − Derbyshire's first − in the new year.

Organisers are inviting community groups such as youth clubs, food banks and charities who may be interested in setting up their own branch to go along for a look round, meet staff and enjoy a free social eating dinner.

In July we approved £8,000 to help set up Super Kitchens in each Derbyshire district and borough council area in venues including churches, children's centres and schools.

The system uses surplus food that would have been thrown away by supermarkets to provide residents with a hot nutritious, low-cost meal cooked by volunteers.

Our Cabinet Member for Health and Communities Councillor Dave Allen said:

"As part of our work to tackle poverty we've been very impressed with the Super Kitchen system so were keen to approve funding to set it up in Derbyshire.

"We're delighted that the first group to sign up is hosting Friday's social eating event and we're keen for anyone interested in starting a Super Kitchen to come along and see what it's all about to get more branches open across Derbyshire as soon as possible.

"Lack of proper nutrition affects people's physical and mental health and in the long term this will cause huge pressures on health and social care costs so there's an economic as well as a moral case for us to take preventative action to address food poverty."

Super Kitchens originated in Nottingham and scheme organisers are now supporting plans to roll them out across Derbyshire.

Scheme founder Marsha Smith said:

"We'd very much like groups and organisations interested in starting up a Super Kitchen to come along to the opening and bring their colleagues. Family members and local residents are welcome too.

"Super Kitchens are already working well in Nottingham and we're looking forward to working with the county council and FareShare to see them develop in Derbyshire."

We recently approved £528,550 to work in partnership with a range of agencies on a 'Feeding Derbyshire' strategy to find sustainable solutions to food poverty and feed people struggling with low incomes and benefit delays.

Support for local Super Kitchens is part of the plan which also includes setting up a food depot in Derbyshire operated by FareShare East Midlands. It would supply food banks and community kitchens with perishable food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy produce and meat.

Other projects include support for food banks and school breakfast clubs and setting up a mobile food shop and affordable food box scheme.

The Super Kitchen social eating event will take place on Friday 13 November 2015 at Holmgate Church, Valley Road, Clay Cross, Derbyshire, S45 9QF between 5pm and 7pm.

Groups, organisations or residents who would like to attend should email:
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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    • Peter Maycock - Chesterfield
Re: Chesterfield - the first Super Kitchen or should it be Soup Kitchen?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2015, 07:57:39 PM »
Interesting news OC - I've been watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's programs on Monday evenings and they featured Fareshare and similar ideas. The program's quite an eyeopener.
I started out with nothing and I've still got most of it left.

Old Cruser

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Re: Chesterfield - the first Super Kitchen or should it be Soup Kitchen?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2015, 11:33:06 AM »
Interesting news OC - I've been watching Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's programs on Monday evenings and they featured Fareshare and similar ideas. The program's quite an eyeopener.
Which channel is that on Pete?

We shouldn't be reduced for the need of Soup kitchens in the UK.
Ruthless, heartless people in power and seems they have cloth ears - we are going back in years here.
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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