Emails have been bouncing this last couple of days and we now have some light shed on this.
Email 1 from the person conducting the surveyThanks for getting back to me. I have copied Andy in again because I’m afraid I can’t assist with those particular issues as I work for the County Council rather than the Borough Council.
I believe that the Changing Places at the Market Hall is not locked on a RADAR lock, rather, it is locked with a specific key, which I understand regular users of the facility can purchase from Chesterfield Borough Council for £5 – Andy should be able to assist you further with this. It might have been that you tried to visit the Changing Places before it was officially opened, which wasn’t until some time after the official opening of the actual Market Hall due, I believe, to some issues in relation to equipping the Changing Places fully and getting the lock sorted out.
I think your point about things being stacked in front of the door is an important one – I have walked past before and noted that sometimes the traders are very close to the door and it may be that they are stacking things in front of it – hopefully Andy can look into this and remind traders that the route to the Changing Places needs to be kept clear at all times.
If there is anything else I can help you with in terms of Changing Places generally, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Email 2 from Andy ( CBC ) who manages the Market Hall We have a number of people now registered with us and making use of the Changing Places facility so from our perspective it is going well, we have in the last 2 to 3 weeks put a shoulder high sign on the wall next to the Changing Places door (there had been one stuck on the door but it got ripped off). This sign informs any potential users how to access the facility, and who the contacts are. Keys are £3 and readily available to purchase once registered.
With regards to the Traders I will keep an eye on them but have hardly seen any issues to be fair.
Pam, if you wish to make contact with me direct we can arrange a key and get you registered.
Email 3 from AndyPlease do call for a key, the new facility is in the same external location as the old disabled toilets, however a much improved facility. Your daughter does not need to be with you so it might be worth getting the key in advance. Please share this information with any other contacts you may have who also might like to make use of this.
So folks all is now made clear : the changing room toilets were not opened along with the Market Hall ( can't remember seeing this made clear ) which is why I had my well founded gripes.
I have delegated daughter to check out the outside today as she's in town with a support worker.
Once we have a key we can check it out and hopefully it will make life easier for a visit to the 'rest room'