Author Topic: Liberal Democrat peer: We struggle to get by on £300 per day tax-free allowance  (Read 863 times)

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    • Peter Maycock - Chesterfield
Just in case you think voting LibDem is an option read this.

"A senior Liberal Democrat has complained that peers cannot get by on the £300 a day they get for turning up at the House of Lords.
Baroness Olly Grender, who worked as an adviser to Nick Clegg, said that the tax-free payment left peers relying on their partners for financial support."

I reckon I could scrape by on £300 a day…

Just as bad as the Cons.
I started out with nothing and I've still got most of it left.


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I only get paid if I turn up.
So Im off to the railway station £5 gone I've got to get to London
Thats £178 gone.
I've got to get from St Pancras to Westminster probably another £5 gone
I've got to have lunch £20
So my £300 is now only £82
£82 x 5 is £410 a week
£16/1700 a month.
It's not actually that much for someone expected to understand the making of the law.
Put it this way Slacker claims £4460 (taxable granted) plus free computer phone and parking (unless they have cut back recently) a year for helping to run little Chesterfield. It's also pensionable!!
I'm not an Alcoholic. They go to meetings
I'm a drunk I go to the pub


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