Author Topic: @JR Jingle Bells H&S  (Read 937 times)

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@JR Jingle Bells H&S
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:39:28 PM »
Jingle Bells:

Jingle bells by the very nature of the title would indicate both a noise hazard and also small metal type objects would need to be fully secured if to be suitable for purpose.

Ear protection would need to be issued to said passengers.

While shepherds watched.

If said huts are provided with central heating then suitable ventilation must be considered. Also a smoking area iaw current regulations would need to be provided. Could the shepherd be considered a "lone worker"?. More risk assessments and safe working practices required. The angel of the lord will need to have been thouroughy briefed on "working at heights".

Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer.

Should immediately be made aware of medical facilites available to him or her. They may also require eye protection from glare.

Little Donkey.

I find your assumptions that said Donkey is a male most unsatisfactory.
Both Mary and Joseph would need to ensure that a reasonble supply of fluids are available given the dusty nature of the journey. Given that the donkey is indicated to be carrying a heave load I would insist that both Mary and Joseph complete a manual handling course suitable to loads being carried (both the weight and the nature of the load).

We Three Kings.

Given the distances travelled the Kings concerned would at some stage need to dispose of the camel excrement. Correct PPE (gloves and breathing aparatus if required) to be issued and instructions for the correct disposal of Hazardous waste to be followed.
COSHH regulations regading the presents would also need to be adhered to.

The Rocking Song.

Any person required to Rock said infant would need to ensure that any rocking devices have the correct guards fitted. If "manual" rocking is to occurr then once again, correct lifting techniques would need to be applied and rocking is to be of a limited duration in order to avoid RSI.

Away in a manger

The phrase no crib for a bed would indicate as such that the room itself is devoid of furnature and therfore at this time is of no concern for the Health and Safety Executive.

General Note: All personnel issued with PPE are to be instructed in both correct use and maintainence of said PPE. They are to be aware of where to exchange damaged PPE and issued with their own correct stowage space for said PPE.
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