With rumblings about calls for a general election sooner than later you have to ask yourselves the one and only vital question:-
"Will I be better off with the other lot in power, I mean REALLY better off?" to claim you won't be any worse off may be true but that's not the answer, the Parliamentary revolving doors has gone on long enough it's just one big game to M.P.'s.
Lets face it for decades now the two main parties have been in and out of power numerous times and at the end of the day the voter has never seen any significant change [for the better} in their lives. Everyone knows that what's given with one hand is usually taken with the other, yes I think we can agree, those of us of a certain age, we are a lot better off than our parents and grandparents were but just look around, food banks, homelessness, poverty, N.H.S. crisis, rubbish roads, filthy rivers the list goes on and for one of the richest nations on earth in the 21st century these Dickensian problems are not exactly a ringing endorsement to elect any of them back into power.
As I've explained before I no longer vote, why? because I'm waiting for someone or some party worth voting for, that will break this cycle, which means a hell of a long wait as far as I'm concerned, the last time I saw the inside of a polling station voting on a general election I voted for Labour led by Harold Wilson, that's how long I've been waiting. If Labour get in next time yes you will see some improvement no doubt but just like the last lot and those before they will just end up painting over the cracks and at the end of their 5 year stint they will be in the same position the Tories are in now convincing us their doing a good job and to re elect them and the cycle will continue.