Author Topic: Danny Baker  (Read 826 times)

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Danny Baker
« on: May 10, 2019, 02:19:25 PM »
Well I don't know about anyone else but the words mountain and molehill spring to mind.

If I hadn't seen and heard about the furore over this picture I {like many} I would have seen it for the first time and saw it for what it was, or what it was supposed to be, just a laugh. I wouldn't have seen a blatant jibe at the royal baby, it was, and is an amusing {old} photo that I think would have surfaced sooner or later, it's just unfortunate for Danny that he put it out there first and is being pilloried for it. Apparently in this day and age being careful is not enough there are people out there that take something as trivial as this and blow it out of all proportion, and to me that's what's happened here.
It's the kind of photo you would have probably seen on the next Have I got news for you, or in Private eye.  Anyone with an agenda will read whatever they want to read to suit their ends.

Take for example the N word. Can't use it, DAREN'T use it, against certain people, yet you look on places like you tube, usually about  arguments on the New York subway and those very same people call each other that ALL THE TIME!!!! so it's all right for them to use it but not anyone else.

I'm not taking any chances now, I've just been to the shop were, without thinking, I bought some black Gorilla tape, I'm binning it before I'm accused of being a racist. 
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.


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Re: Danny Baker
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2019, 05:59:38 PM »
It seems Danny's comment was made innocently in fun but, his employers saw something more sinister. The BBC.
Racism exists purely & simply because of skin colour & religion amongst other things.
Underneath our skins - we are all the same.
I am white, and have never been racially abused, nor have I abused anyone of a different skin colour.
We are supposed to be the intelligent species after all - not yet substantiated I would argue!
You only have one life, so live it & love it, & more importantly LOVE YOURSELF!


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