Some people who are carers may not be aware of the Changing Places outside the market Hall in Chesterfield.
I've had this email ( see below ).
Just thought it may be helpful to our carers out there.
We're holding a free two hour workshop explaining the benefits of Changing Places facilities. This is aimed at the people who use them, their families, friends, carers, schools, health workers and other professionals who work with disabled people.
While many people don't know what Changing Places are, there are around 250,000 people in the UK who use Changing Places toilets and more than 800 Changing Places in the UK so far.
As well as explaining the benefits, the workshop will look at how people can use Changing Places as part of planning recreational and leisure activities in Derbyshire.
The workshop will take place on Thursday 16 July from 3pm to 5pm at the Proact Stadium, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield.
For more information you can contact the event organisers Jane Carver or Gillian Scotford call Jane on 07775 639789
or email
See below to book for this