Author Topic: Highlight of your year in 2014  (Read 2211 times)

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Old Cruser

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Highlight of your year in 2014
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:20:36 PM »
Lots of doom and gloom about and have to admit 2014 was one of the worst years of my life.
It did  have a couple of highlights though, the first was our holiday - one of the best we have ever had, the second came on Christmas day when my step daughter told us she had got engaged.
We were thrilled for her as life hasn't always been easy.
Anyone got one which gave them a 'lift'
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2015, 07:36:51 PM »
First year I've never given my children anything for christmas. Apart from a card.  :(

The look on Our_Lass's son and daughter in law's faces when they saw us in Cornwall  (y)

Probably more ups than downs this year, but we all tend to remember the downs. Had some nice hols  8)
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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2015, 08:01:01 PM »
2 things spring to mind

A holiday on Corfu to surprise my wifes daughter after she got engaged

Visit the see the Vulcan Bomber.
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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2015, 10:00:09 PM »
Birth of my grandson

Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2015, 10:11:57 PM »
On the whole I think I've had a good year.  Apart from the negative aspect of my foot and hip hurting more than ever, I'd say the positives outweighed that.

1. We travelled quite a bit this year, a lot in the UK and then the holiday in November to Fuerteventura.
2. Shock, horror I was asked by my daughters friend to be the photographer at her wedding.  I mulled it over and accepted the challenge.  It was a wonderfully crazy and bizarre day that was laid back and great fun.  I took over 800 pictures!  Not sure I'd do it again.  Note - I said not sure, never say never.
3.  I retired at the end of June
4.  Got a volunteer post with the RVS that I have yet to take up
5.  Done some work on the house

That's about it really for the positives.  I just thought of a few more negatives but I'm not going to be a moaning old fart  ::)


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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2015, 08:21:15 PM »
Had a fab break in the south with father in law and his mad wife.
Visited lego land and London for the first time
Had my first birthday party at the age of 30 where all my good friends and Other half family turned up and made it a special one
Celebrated my first year in the not so new job.

Got diagnosed with Asthma again which made the first half of the year rather miserable
Had a relapse with anxiety and depression but soldiered on anyway

Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2015, 09:57:38 PM »
It seems to me that those of us who responded have had a mixed year, but still managed to come out on the positive side.  I know we don't always feel it, but I always think that a positive attitude draws positive things towards you.

That works for me, and I wonder if it works for others as well?

Old Cruser

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2015, 12:50:32 PM »
We have to remain positive to remain sane at times Gerty  ;) with all the brown stuff which we get thrown at us along our pathway of life.
On wards and upwards as they say!!
The old lady with the wonky middle finger

Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2015, 06:18:31 PM »
LOL, that's very stoic Pam!

I feel very much for my close friends who also have had the worst year in a long time.  These are the people with a mentally and physically disabled daughter.  Not only are they having to cope with reductions in services, help and benefits, they have two aging aunts (both 90 years old) who seem to have a similar illness and both at the same stage.  One is in a nursing home in Sheffield and the other is in Calow.  My friends are their only relatives and as such are next of kin.  The poor things don't know which way to turn as they are having to do the administration and visiting for the aunts, then having to race back home for daughter's arrival from day centre.  They are in dire need to some respite but what they get is very diluted over 12 months.  A weekend here and there, and then one week when they can get it.

I wouldn't want their life, though we do what we can to help but it never feels enough  :(  I really hope that 2015 will be a better year for them.

Old Cruser

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2015, 06:48:24 PM »
Sorry to hear of your friends plight Gerty, it's all too familiar to me having given short breaks to disabled children for many years. Carers have always been neglected as long as I can remember and as you rightly point out the cut backs made have had a devastating affect on families.
Your friends sound like lovely caring people as do you to try and help them when you can.
Bless you xx
The old lady with the wonky middle finger

Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2015, 01:32:05 PM »
The worst of it is Pam, my friends are at an age when they could do without any of this as neither is very well and are deathly tired out, not mention having depression.  They are both 70 and their daughter is 42.  Their own health issues contributed in 2014 being such a bad year for them.  I think before long they are going to have to consider alternative arrangements for their daughter in order to preserve their own health.

She and I are off to the Pomegranate on Monday evening to see the Dreamboats and Miniskirts musical.  It will be a nice diversion for a few hours, and we had lunch up at Hardwick one day this week too.  Outings are good for the length of time they last, then its back to reality.


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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2015, 01:37:07 PM »
2014 started off badly with mum dying just 5 days in but it also had its highlights of 2 kids graduating University and gaining full time jobs.
Managing to get the nonagenarian in laws on another cruise was a highlight, seeing my beloved Dallas Cowboys at Wembley was also excellent.

2015 will see a wedding, more cruising and hopefully another child gaining a full time job.
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Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2015, 03:55:18 PM »
Lots for you to look forward to this year then JR.  I'm sure you'll make it all count  :)

Old Cruser

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2015, 08:54:12 PM »
The worst of it is Pam, my friends are at an age when they could do without any of this as neither is very well and are deathly tired out, not mention having depression.  They are both 70 and their daughter is 42.  Their own health issues contributed in 2014 being such a bad year for them.  I think before long they are going to have to consider alternative arrangements for their daughter in order to preserve their own health.

She and I are off to the Pomegranate on Monday evening to see the Dreamboats and Miniskirts musical.  It will be a nice diversion for a few hours, and we had lunch up at Hardwick one day this week too.  Outings are good for the length of time they last, then its back to reality.

Sounds all too familiar Gerty, whilst ever parents/carers carry on no help is offered. They 'should' have assessments of their own needs/ conditions really and if this hasn't been offered by  Social Services a request can be made.
Any diversion from their caring roles is always good, they obviously have a good friend in you. xx
The old lady with the wonky middle finger

Gerty Gumdrop

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Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2015, 10:06:28 AM »
Thanks Pam.  I'll ask my friends if they have been assessed.  I can't be sure and its good of you to mention it. x


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