Hello all, how lovely of you to remember. Unfortunately the operation hasn't gone ahead. This is due to the fact that I have a superficial thrombosis in the back of my leg which was probably caused by the flight home from Fuertaventura. I can't be put in plaster cast while that's going on, so operation cancelled for the moment and I'm now waiting for an appointment with the vascular team at The Royal.
Meanwhile I'm hobbling even more because of the constant ache in my calf, and of course it would have to be the same one with the dodgy foot on the end of it!. I'm a walking disaster, people.
If that wasn't enough, I decided I should get a bit of exercise so figured giving the bedroom a lick of paint and a quick makeover would be a nice distraction and keep me moving. All was going rather well until being a lazy sod, instead of taking down the bedroom curtains to gloss the window sill, I thought just draping them over the wardrobe door would lift them out of the way while I got busy with the brush. I was oblivious to any pending disaster until the pong of what I thought was burning paper filled the room. Husband came through to see what I was doing and noticed the curtains were getting scorched to buggery over the wardrobe door as they were in close proximity to a downlighter!
Anyway, crisis averted but here's the evidence - looks like a row of peepholes. We've had black bin liners up to the windows ever since, but some new curtains arrived today. Yes, I know, some people will do anything to get summat new