You've forgotten that the arms trade is a multi billion pound industry
Oh, I'm so sorry, apparently your correct. That would be governments, supported by councils & manufacturors of weaponry which brings lots of money in terms of jobs & exports but does not come with a warning label on the package saying you you must not use these weapons in case of death.If we didn't manufacture arms, we would simply buy them elsewhere.
Yes .its a multi billion pound industry - no doubt we profit from it - but if we didn't make them, would we not buy them from elsewhere?
Sorry Andy,your opinion made no sense to me this time.An undefended country - weaponless - doesn't bear thinking about.
Don't bring Gaza & Palestine into it - atrocious as it is.
Each and every country mostly has weapons to wipe its neighbour out.War is created & caused by religion & politicians, not mankind.
I leave you with this thought - if there was no God, or only one God, would we have the turmoil we have today?