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Messages - dhj

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Well that's very helpful, thanks for the very prompt response. I have to admit, in this particular instance, a number of the local old timers have sucked in their cheeks about the playing field with talk of 'underground streams, coal seams' and, apparently the field used to be used as a swimming pool and was subsequently filled in and is very prone to flooding. Not ideal building land I would have thought!

Thanks again for the help.

Chesterfield Discussion / Chesterfield Local Development Framework
« on: June 21, 2015, 01:32:31 PM »
Does anybody on here have any insight on the above, specifically the 'Local Plan:Sites and Boundaries'? I am toying with the idea of moving but notice that there is an area where it is conceivable that housing will be built. I can find no specific planning permission on the Chesterfield Planning site but the area is included in the plan - for information, the area is identified as SBRES34 - (Wasps Nest playing field off Manor Road in Brampton).

Any help would be most appreciated.

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