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Messages - Blue-Suit

Pages: [1]
Politics / Re: The Impact of Benefit Sanctions
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:00:16 PM »

Politics / Re: The Impact of Benefit Sanctions
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:31:43 PM »
Well I watched the program and I must say what a total load of tosh.
My primary argument relates to the advisers being told to sanction claimants to keep up with targets and the denial of the works and pensions secretary over relating to targets.
Well dispatches I have over 300 pdf documents from the .gov .parliament sites where targets are defined in black and white as well as the sanction penalties.
But alas this is not the point. I did a lot of work relating to the actual achievements by what is known as prime contractors.

This shows by type who has and who has not been sanctioned.

There was a press release from the Guardian which shows the targets in place and shows how each prime contractor is doing.
Now the funny thing here is that the guardian is wrong as it shows how many jobs have been created and shows how the prime contractors are doing against these targets. I of course sent an email to the guardian prep who sent me the figures telling him his analysis was wrong and I am still yet to hear back,.

So it shows that of all the people sent to these prime contractors how many have been classified as being gainfully employed..


If you look into these figures is states that the prime contractor must achieve at least 5% return and as I type the general agreement is that they are between 2 and 4 percent effective.

Now you going to ask why this comes into sanctions etc.. well let me explain.
I have some 2012 figures that show different results to those produced by the audit commission. on the effectiveness of the prime contractors etc.. and if you compare these with the 2013 2014 figures you will see one big difference...
The figures after 2012 have been produced from estimates derived from the 2012 figures,,

This throws up one huge anomaly

We all know what seasonal variations are and if you do not it is the variation of sales or products based on the season,, you sell more ice cream in the summer than you ever will in the winter.

So the figures submitted by the prime contractors were based on assumptions made  from the 2012 figures...
But wait a min if there are seasonal variations like Christmas jobs summer jobs etc then the actual achievements or placements by these contractors is far less than what is being submitted..

East of England: Ingeus UK LTD   30.93   1.35   4.364694471

this is from the fists link I provided.. It shows that out of 31.000 people sent to ingeus 1350 were found Jobs creating around a 4.16% return.

Now what you have to consider is that ingeus get between £5000 and £13000 for every person they put into employ.

But wait a min here if we allow for seasonal variations then that 4.63% drops dramatically to less than .08%
So you as a tax payer is giving Ingeus and other contractors between 5 and 13 thousand pounds for putting people into employment they would have found themselves anyway..

Do you get my point.

The government the contractors and the Stats division of the GOV are fraudulently fiddling the figures to show growth where no growth exists.

Now here is the best bit


The sanction figures are included in the totals as a person who has found employment.

I have sent these findings in more explicit detail to Every local mp including Natasha Engel 

And have been ignored..

I sent an email to the guardian outlining there errors and have been ignored.
To the prime minister (Ignored) the works and pensions secretary (ignored) Theresa May (ignored) plus a host of other people involved in these committees.

the reason behind this is the fact that when somebody is sanctioned they are placed in a holding pen so to speak and  they are actually placed in the pen that says employed through prime or sub contractor..

Which is not the case.. So companies like Ingeus are being paid 5 to 13 thousand for every sanction submitted and proved..

Now the funny thing about this is that Ingeus and other contractors are and have been paid up front based on submitted targets agreed with the government,,

It is like me coming to your house and saying you ove me 100k for the work so if you pay me now I will make sure the work gets done,,,
The reason why I am being ignored is the simple fact that ingeus made 90 million last year through fabricated and falsification of results..

my figures unequivocally prove that these prime contractors are stealing from the public purse and nothing is being done because of the corruption and deceit within these companies and departments.

I have figures that show some 40% of the client base is being sanctioned and gov figures showing that around 80% of these sanctions are being overturned...

So what happens to the people that get sanctioned.. well it appears that they get put back into the system where the likes of ingeus can claim additional benefit through these financial incentives,
In effect these contractors are just duplicating figures upon figures to show ability in job progression for a candidate...

One of the fundamental reasons why I am being ignored is simple...
Look into who ownes these companies acting as prime contractors and you will find some well known politicians either as owner or board directors...

Let me repeat this

The government is in collusion with these contractors to steal money from the public purse at the determent to sanctioned people.

When in effect each office is putting back into employment less than one person per week.

In effect you are paying as tax payers around 2 billion in total to see less than 1000 people return to employment per year throughout the entire structure.

This simply equates to around two million pounds per person; not a bad scam at all!

It is a hell of a lot more complex than this..
for instance if you are part time employed and stay in work for more than 3 months then the prime contractor is given bonuses. if you then leave work and are sent back to the prime contractor then the payments begin again...

If you allow for this duplication that figure drops to less than .1% that's point one percent. Actual.

All this because the prime contractors are using sanctions to benefit themselves financially!!!

And I can prove it...

I can prove that the audit office is hiding the truth within the stats and figures...

And nobody want to listen lol... Nobody.. Ahh well such is life!


Fun Stuff / Re: The biggest lie in the world from women
« on: February 18, 2015, 04:01:43 PM »
^^Alpha Female?^^   
Code: [Select]
if alpha female= true;
  "Yes Mam";


Fun Stuff / The bigest lie in the world from a man
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:04:56 PM »
So what do you think is the biggest lie in the world from a Mans mouth

Ime gonna make love to you all night

Yeah right !!!!

20 mins later


Fun Stuff / The biggest lie in the world from women
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:02:30 PM »
So what do you think is the biggest lie in the world from a woman's mouth

Please do not get me anything for Valentines day I wont get upset...

Yeah right !!!!

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