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Messages - dave7634

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Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Multistory carpark near West Bars
« on: March 10, 2013, 05:34:20 PM »
Yes, it's an eyesore plus it must be sat on land thats pretty valuable development wise??

I wonder if it's still Royal Mails?

It belonged to the AGD (Chetwynd House) in the old days and was apparently sold via sealed bids some years ago. Don't know any more than that.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: TK Maxx coming to town.
« on: December 13, 2012, 09:46:27 PM »
They've got one in Mansfield. Clothes, kitchen utensils, pictures, you name it. And if they're sticking to what TKMaxx said to me in their email, then its Feb 14th next year when they open (pending nothing going wrong). Looks better since they cut back that jungle on the front near the main road (Lordsmill St)

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: New business maybe?
« on: November 03, 2012, 09:56:57 AM »
TK Maxx Feb 14 2013. Had confirmation email from them last week. They seem to be also tidying up the jungle which was surrounding and also stopping people from seeing the stores from the main road. Hipper St South looks as though it may be going to either be an access road to the current shops OR is to be built upon.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: New business maybe?
« on: October 11, 2012, 07:08:36 AM »
I thought at first the pikies had been and taken some steel works from the outside of the building but I then saw a lorry yesterday with some new cladding material on its back being unloaded. Made me then think otherwise.

Chesterfield Discussion / New business maybe?
« on: October 10, 2012, 09:37:16 PM »
I've noticed a tower crane and associated lorries parked and working in the area near The Range, Lordsmill Street. Just wondering if they've found someone to buy/ lease that building now?

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: £125k cycle path for Chesterfield
« on: July 04, 2012, 08:32:22 AM »
They really aught to get onto sorting out the Hasland Road/ The Green fiasco and get the roundabout back YESTERDAY if possible, before stretching themselves into doing cycle lanes. Also, to keep up with the times, I've noticed that there seems to be more and more disabled electric buggies doing the rounds on the roads nowadays. Can we have a lane for them too please and also, can we retro fit them with indicator cancellers as they nearly always have them flashing some 7 days after they initially turned the corner. Rant over and back to bed zzZZzz

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: New Look for Derbyshire Times
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:09:24 PM »
Get ready now for the inevitable price hike from the DT to pay for this.  >:(

Chesterfield Discussion / Which shop?
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:52:56 PM »
All this talk about this Portas woman made me think to ask, if you could that is, which shop(s) would you like to see in Chesterfield which currently aren't in it? To kick off I'd like a Home Bargains. I know they have one in Mansfield and also Alfreton, but by the time you've gone there and come back, any potential savings have been lost in fuel.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Hudsons to close?
« on: March 23, 2012, 08:31:45 AM »
...and all thanks to this thing called "the internet"

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Cineworld/ McD's
« on: March 02, 2012, 10:52:22 PM »
I drive past that everyday to get on M1 at 29a and have thought the same (they're building something) but a Staples on its own, so far out would surely be a dead loss?

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Cineworld/ McD's
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:51:27 AM »
Winsick? Where abouts? Don't tell me they're gonna knock down the Gypsy Caravan Site??? (very big evil grin) and I thought that Wingerworth was supposed only to be for brownfield development? Send us the plans for either of the above. I'd love to see them please.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: New Chesterfield Radio Station Launched
« on: January 23, 2012, 06:10:52 PM »
Hit Music Radio is on 87.9 FM across Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire for 28 days from 6th February until the 4th March 2012.

Politics / Re: Bins.....again.
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:36:53 PM »
Always makes me laugh that cardboard boxes had to be cut into pieces and not left on steets years ago as the unscrupulous of us would see that No 5 (other house numbers are available) had had a new hifi system and that would be a good indicator to be robbed in the forthcoming days/weeks/months. Now we're told to leave these out at the side of the bins (poxy little black thing inside blue bins aint big enough) for the binmen to pick up  :(

General Discussion / Re: Tree removal
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:52:42 AM »
I've thought about the falling dead leaves maybe. Who knows. I think they'd be better giving some volunteers some wellies and cleaning out the discarded shopping trolleys/ cycles etc which are always in there. Surely that must have an effect...?

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