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Messages - emmz

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General Discussion / Flu Jabs
« on: August 02, 2014, 07:19:41 PM »
I know its still very early but just wanted to know whether any of you lot have a flu jab every year and whether it had made you feel better or worse over all?
As some may or may not know I was poorly early in the year, I had the official diagnosis of Asthma in june (7 months after first symptoms) and have been told I can be eligable for it.
Now I don't normally have flu just bad coughs, have been prone to chest infections but no actual flu. So my question is, is it worth it. No i know I get it free etc etc but I don't know if I will benefit in the long run

General Discussion / Re: Ebola Scare
« on: August 02, 2014, 07:16:17 PM »
No its not something id even try to be honestt
Hope it does not get too critical in this country don't  want another epidemic breaking out

Heres another

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General Discussion / Re: Best photo of 2014
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:55:04 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Best photo of 2014
« on: July 21, 2014, 06:48:32 PM »
Lovely pic's fly, I shall post some, they are not of flowers or lightning but will be of my daughter :)

Glad its sorted. Is that with them clearing up too?

It's next door to my work ;)

My party this coming saturday. MIL has put a lot of work into it. We are at St Thomas church, it would not have suited OC due to the clearing which i know you didnt fancy doing.

Ive not done a party at Brampton manor but have been for meals etc. Its rather nice and welcoming,
I do know its recently been refurbed as well so unsure what its now like inside.
I am having my 30th at St thomas Church in brampton, at the community centre round back. Been there for parties and think its rather good room is spacious and if its a nice enough day the gardens are good for any kids that ned to let off steam....Unsure whether you have checked there too but worth a look if your in the area :)

Don't think so, once your logged in its pretty easy to use, I prefer it to the likes of flickr though i do have that account as well :)

General Discussion / Re: Phew
« on: July 02, 2014, 09:03:39 PM »
Cheers, its suprising how tiring it is even though your sat waiting to see what happens,
I have only taken her once before and that was back in 2010, when my other half had pneumonia and she was also ill with goodness knows what...

General Discussion / Phew
« on: July 02, 2014, 08:55:15 PM »
What a day its been for me today,
Little un was not so well yesterday so was unable to do the after school club, complaining that her tummy hurt etc,
I went out in the eve so wasnt back til gone 9, she was asleep in the main bed...noticed that as she was breathing it was taking a lot of effort but decided to leave and see how she was today.
Still the same this morning so booked her into docs for 10:10 so she went to school for an hour before i picked her up...
Doc takes a look at her does the normal checks, she too is non too happy at the effort its taking just to breath, and a slight wheeze on her right hand side. She doctor calls a doc at the Nightingale wing at the royal and asks for Laura to go down for a check, so its home time with a phonecall to school to tell them and phone work to tell them i will not be in.
Get to the hospital onto the Ward get seen, Laura is looked at again.......
Tonsils inflammed still a slight wheeze lets see how it goes, first they decide to try her on the blue inhaler 8 puffs...
Check again an hour later to see how she is, doctor firstly says she sounds better lets send her home cue me thinking yay.
Then for some reason after her obs the doc comes back and says lets do a chest X-ray (boooo) so we toddle for that, chest x-ray shows a slight patch on her chest.
Cue antibiotics and the inhaler to bring home.
We got back at around 6:30 after going this morning.
Laura has been an angel and other than her cough has been well enough, teh outcome is an infection on her chest (slight pneumonia) but the antibiotics should clear that up with the inhaler to help the wheeziness...
I really really cannot fault the doctors or the hospital. all were amazing and I am glad i followed my instinct.. so thats me day in a nutshell a day off work and time spent in a hospital wing ;D

General Discussion / Re: Broke my phone.
« on: June 24, 2014, 06:54:44 PM »
haah im getting used to mine first android phone so all new, seems alright and does what i want it to

General Discussion / Re: Broke my phone.
« on: June 24, 2014, 06:21:26 PM »
lol the same thing happened with me had to get a phone at the weekened as all i could do was answer my phone...
But I have a better one so can't complain ;)

I remember going up slack hill in dads metro....It had a very hard time just getting up castle Lane so you can imagine slack hill. We had Lorries passing us and everything. Embaressing to say the least.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: New insert for your green bin ??
« on: June 03, 2014, 09:10:40 AM »
Still awaiting ours, mother in law has hers and she is up near walton me being further down have nt recived one yet. I imagine a call to CBC may be in order looks like we were forgotten?

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Bank Holiday Rain
« on: May 26, 2014, 04:30:00 PM »
work til 12 for me wasnt really in the mood for much after as its another early start in the morning ho humm

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