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Messages - emmz

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Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Oyster Style Card For Chesterfield?
« on: November 23, 2014, 06:02:29 PM »
Having travelled around london back in august the Oyster cards made it a whole lot easier. Just scan at the terminal and away you go. Did not travel on the bus though but if it could be that easy would make it a lot better for passengers and Drivers,

General Discussion / Re: Watch Me Disappear
« on: November 19, 2014, 09:36:55 AM »
I have been in that position once or twice myself, i really did want to disappear.
It saddens me when you read of anyone that has taken their own life, and often wonder what does happen to those that seem to just disappear, where ever they are now hoping that they have found some peace living or dead.
It is a hard situation to get out of, and i think that those who have either been through it or have been close to someone who has gone through it can understand, I have been on both sides of that coin with myself and my mum.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Morrison's Brampton
« on: November 07, 2014, 09:58:43 PM »
not heard anything about it closing so not sure, can always ask someone i know who works there see if she has any details

I think most places i have lived have had their ups and downs, Lived in bolsover (oxcroft lane)
Lived on the model village Carr vale, and Bentinck twice
Must admit though where i am now is great, it's quiet and just a nice area on the whole (brampton)

Sadly the Crispin pub on Ashgate road will be closing, Tesco won their bid...

Fun Stuff / Re: Old Traditions
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:28:11 PM »
Thinking about this and even School do fish on friday so Laura tends to have some sort of fish meal. I tend not to eat meat on good friday either.

No old habits here really,

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: FAO Slacker
« on: September 24, 2014, 02:37:29 PM »
I saw it today whilst in town, Its got parking marked out on it as well now, Does look a tad diffrerent from before and as OCsaid doesnt match anything else  :))

General Discussion / Re: Passports
« on: September 02, 2014, 09:15:03 PM »
When i got mine it took around 3 weeks to arrive, That was after sending it, then having to send my mothers birth certificate to having an interview at passport office til it dropped on the door mat....
I only needed it for work :|

Entertainment / Re: Grousefest anyone?
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:46:18 PM »
Sorry could not make it but feeling under the weather and an early start for work tomorrow x

General Discussion / Re: Bad day or what !!
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:41:00 AM »
I shall add my part and none is bad for once :D
At the place where i work i am already on an account Aon, Well also now working on another account for Transport for London, went live yesterday and was crapping myself.
Back on it today and working on the account bank hol (I would have been in anyway 6-12)
The only question i still have is this, I have been there a year next week, and what should happen is my contract should end and made perm, however CSC have been laying people off recently so i doubt a perm job will be available, others have been there longer and are still temps so i suppose i shouldn't worry too much eh

General Discussion / RIP Robin
« on: August 12, 2014, 04:22:15 PM »
After the laughs he has given us over the years he passed away yesterday
I for one feel quite sad of his passing, and I sympathise what he was going through.
Depression is a horrible thing to have and I myself have felt as low as he did.
I hope he has found peace now and is he is in a better place.

I loved the work he did, he was a great actor and comedian. Respect to his friends and family at this time :(

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Staveley Leisure Centre
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:57:20 AM »
Yes on the whole it is pretty good,. I have taken laura when they have done the £1 to swim, As i didnt have to pay for travel it was quite inexpensive to go really.
And as far as i am aware is wheel chair friendly too so quite certain you could get yourself and daughter there :)

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Staveley Leisure Centre
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:38:32 AM »
ahh fair enough could have answered as I have been once or twice with daughter.,
I think the only part I am not keen on is the changing rooms, dont like the idea of everyone being in one, having said that they all have seperate cubicles to change in., Lockers are also there though most of the bands have beenbroken so a bit hard to fasten it round your wrist
No hot tub and the only showers are by the pool!
Cafe, is pretty decent though a tad expensive coffee is really nice :)

General Discussion / out for a few days
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:57:04 PM »
Going to visit the FIL down south tomorrow-friday. This will be mixed with a trip to london and lego land
So I'll see thee when i get back!

General Discussion / Re: Flu Jabs
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:55:35 PM »
They are not for colds Slacker just for the flu strain itself,
See now i suffer a lot in winter. I can get 3-4 colds that linger. and now with this asthma as well It can make things difficult.
See i for one would not want to chance flu with this. It would make things very unpleasant and at its worst would not want to miss work, I did earlier in the year as my chest was very bad coupled with flu like symptons.
It will not stop the common cold. But I am hoping wont make things so bad :)

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