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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fly on September 08, 2022, 05:36:36 PM

Title: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Fly on September 08, 2022, 05:36:36 PM
Thoughts and best wishes to the Queen and her family at this time.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: hifimad on September 08, 2022, 07:00:30 PM
i suppose all my favorite TV programmes will now be suspended and replaced with programmes of the lickspittles at the bbc  and other news channels and the newspapers will be fawning over her memory rather than any subjective reporting of her death, i told my missus that she had died and her response was thats very sad and then added what did she ever do for us.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Sorastro on September 08, 2022, 07:49:50 PM
Sad yes........unexpected no. I saw a swift decline when Philip went, she just seemed to give up.
When she was crowned In 1953 I was 20 months old and she's been there my whole life.

When I saw the official photo of her and Liz Truss Tuesday, I thought then how really frail she looked and we would be hearing what we've heard today before Christmas.
They have already referred to Charles as "King", that's going to take a lot of getting used to, as the phrase "King Charles" is usually followed by the word spaniel.

I don't foresee a massive sea change in how the Monarchy is run, Charles {like his mother} is old school, Fawning bowing and scraping will remain and the poor will still be with us {eating cake!}.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: wollygobble on September 08, 2022, 09:51:29 PM
Prophetic Peter Brookes cartoon in The Times yesterday.  HMQ with a look of abject horror on her face on meeting La Truss.  Couldn't take any more.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: hifimad on September 09, 2022, 12:34:47 AM
i suppose all my favorite TV programmes will now be suspended and replaced with programmes of the lickspittles at the bbc  and other news channels and the newspapers will be fawning over her memory rather than any subjective reporting of her death, i told my missus that she had died and her response was thats very sad and then added what did she ever do for us.
Oh how right i was the brownnose broadcasting corporation went into full throttle groveling on all their channells it was truly bile inducing forget balance and impartiality it was a fawn fest of monumental proportions and i as a reluctant licence payer funded it, 50-68% of british people question the role of or the need for a monarchy where were their voices, and now we are about to be the subjects of a serial adulterer and his concubine.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Alsatian on September 09, 2022, 09:12:06 AM
Condolences to the family and may she rest in peace.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Alsatian on September 10, 2022, 09:40:30 AM
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti royal - and neither am I pro royal (I'm splinter in the bum from sitting on the fence!) but, why on earth does it have to be on the major TV channels all day and every day?

My disabled sister knows she's died, but doesn't realise or understand the consequences. Therefore she can't understand why she can't watch her favourite programmes (Emmerdale & Coronation St).

Surely they could put all the 'specials' on to BBC2 and ITV2 where people who want to watch it can, and people who want to get on with life also can?

At the end of the day (it gets dark!) day to day life isn't going to change no matter who is sat on the throne (unless it's Putin).
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Sorastro on September 10, 2022, 11:47:01 AM
I sincerely hope Charles is going to be a bit more hands on than his mum.
 I appreciate that she was no Spring chicken, he neither, but considering the "Queens" speech given every year on what she expected of her government was WRITTEN by her government, no surprises when things went down the pan.

He is a lot more "greener" than the late queen so I {hopefully} expect he will be pushing for more solar, wind and wave power to help save the planet.
We are an island nation, we are surrounded by water and we still have reserves of North sea gas plus the sun and wind are constantly there and above all free {as yet}.

Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: hifimad on September 11, 2022, 12:47:03 AM
King Charles will do exactly the same as his mother, and that is to do as the government damn well tells him, sorry i mean "advises him", even the sycophants at the grovelling BBC got it wrong today they reported that charles had been sworn in as king and followed this with the Queens body will travel from balmoral and so on, she is no longer the Queen so the Queens body will not be travelling anywhere, they are so overwhelmed by their own fawning and obsequiousness they can't even engage in acurate reporting, King Charles, Queen Samantha Fox or King Cliff Richard or Queen Hatty (our cat) neither of them will make a pennies worth of difference  to me or to the lives of my familly the Monarchy are just an irrelevance, so lets cut the crap and get back to normal.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Sorastro on September 18, 2022, 10:33:12 AM
Whilst following, on the news, the proceedings of people paying their respects to the Queen I am truly amazed at these people.

Queuing for hours to walk past a coffin makes no sense to me, I mean why aren't these people at work?  It's not as though it's going to mean ten minutes out of their lunch break, tens of thousands of people with quite obviously nothing better to do than stand in line for hours for about 20 seconds of reverence, more so when they are dragging young children along with them. Do what Schofield did and queue jump, using his job as an excuse, or better still find something else to do.
I don't understand this massive outpouring of grief for someone that 95% of the people queuing have possibly never met in person. I saw her in person during her Silver jubilee trip to Chesterfield in '77, I'd taken the wife and mother in law to see her at my wife's request.

All it will mean to me is a new profile on coins and stamps and a new picture on the notes.
Title: Re: Queen Elizabeth II
Post by: Alsatian on September 18, 2022, 06:31:50 PM
Whilst following, on the news, the proceedings of people paying their respects to the Queen I am truly amazed at these people.

Queuing for hours to walk past a coffin makes no sense to me, I mean why aren't these people at work?  It's not as though it's going to mean ten minutes out of their lunch break, tens of thousands of people with quite obviously nothing better to do than stand in line for hours for about 20 seconds of reverence, more so when they are dragging young children along with them. Do what Schofield did and queue jump, using his job as an excuse, or better still find something else to do.
I don't understand this massive outpouring of grief for someone that 95% of the people queuing have possibly never met in person. I saw her in person during her Silver jubilee trip to Chesterfield in '77, I'd taken the wife and mother in law to see her at my wife's request.

All it will mean to me is a new profile on coins and stamps and a new picture on the notes.

Off with his head!! 😂