Chesterfield Online Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: who can tell on February 24, 2016, 07:20:18 PM

Title: Cameron and the EU saga
Post by: who can tell on February 24, 2016, 07:20:18 PM
I don't normally get involved in political debates but the EU saga got me thinking. Cameron gone over to the EU leaders with list of demands about what he thinks will benefit the UK voter and economics but as instead had to settle for comprises the whole thing to me as been a sham. The EU was originally set up as a common market to create trade and wealth for Europe and to hopefully avoid another war in Europe. Here in the UK we had a vote to weather to go in or stay out - we voted in. Over the decades the EU grew into a law courts and a parliament and past governments here in Britain signed one treaty after another agreeing to abide by EU laws. So if decided to join a club and I signed a agreement to abide by the rules but then decided I wanted special treatment do I have the privilege to demand more than what other members are allowed? Cameron has basically done this , but theirs the other side to the story I'm sure with the economics of Europe as they are the EU needs to keep the money flowing in and 55 million keeps the club afloat and big business wants to keep trading with their EU friends. Here comes another problem the UK electorate is fed up with the seemingly endless flow of immigrants and its associated problems Westminster needs to show its listening to the electorate and Cameron dangles a carriot the people bite. Cameron own stand can only be pro- EU as his party funded by powerful business who ideally want to stay weathly . Cameron puts on a song and dance for the media and looks like he's doing the will of the people but reality is theirs little to negotiate as the UK has signed one treaty after another ture the EU has given token concessions to Cameron and wined and dinned him and smiled for the camera . If we vote out we can still trade with Europe more freedom perhaps but were out of the club . Now if we vote to stay in the club with our token concessions the EU might turn around and say hey UK its about time you stop been a drama queen and take the Euro currency and wave goodbye to the Sterling I'm sure some big business would be happy with that but given how strong the Pound been they would lose their edge in trading. I'm sorry Cameron you can't have your EU cake and eat it .
Title: Re: Cameron and the EU saga
Post by: Scimitar on February 24, 2016, 08:53:23 PM
Politicians & Trust.
Only one I can think of immediately is Dennis Skinner - still holds the best attendance record in the House of Commons as far as I know. Former Miner & tells it like it is.
I wrote to him once and his reply was virtually instant.
Can't fault him honestly.