Chesterfield Online Forum
General Category => Politics => Topic started by: who can tell on February 01, 2016, 11:23:46 PM
Iv noticed over the last two years a noticeable rise or seem to be a rise of young people taking their own lives . I live in a inner city area plague by poverty and crime for many its the only way to survive either by choice or nesserity as employment is hard to come by. My partner works in Social services and has over the years seen families who barely get on by and seen poverty that would not be out of place in a Third World country until you remember this is Sheffield , United Kingdom not some hell hole nation. With the government who have set their sights on slowly but surely dismantling the Welfare state it seems that the younger generation are taking the full force of the cuts to benefits notable Housing Benefit more or less cut for under 21 year olds. If I went out tonight to the city centre its not a uncommon sight to see a young person in a sleeping bag in a doorway some will dismiss them as druggies or alcoholics perhaps some are and no matter how much help their is they would refuse it but their are others who would love a hot meal or a bed for the night what others take for granted each night. Recently funding for a eight bed hostel for the homeless was cut and the hostel closed eight beds don't sound much but eight beds meant eight people slept in safety. I have a daughter she my world but I do worry for her future I do my best to protect her but you can't protect a child from the realities of life . For what Iv read recently in the Derbyshire Times or Sheffield's Star for some the struggle is too much and the only way out they see is to end it all is that the future for our children ? Just tonight I was reading that 250 people are going to lose ther jobs in the next six months due to cuts in funding hate to think how this will all end.
Funding as you say has been slashed dramatically in many areas and yes it hits the most vulnerable.
Some of those sleeping rough will be 'users' who are in a circle of drugs/booze with little help for those who want to get out of their addiction.
The mental health situation is the same, I have supported for TWO YEARS someone who has M.H. problems and desperately WANTS to be helped - only there isn't enough funding to continue with counselling. We go around in circles. There 'may' be a light at the end of this persons tunnel - if they are accepted but we are told it could take quite awhile to get onto this! Family long ago gave up and sometimes the person with M.H. problems need someone outside of the family - again lack of funding!
Social Care has long been suffering even when the last party were in!
A lack of Social care workers has been partially to blame for this.
I have friends who are Social workers - some have taken early retirement to get out of the huge case loads they had also the pressures of the job.
We saw a few years ago a mass influx of children being taken into care why - Mental Health problems, drugs and booze taking by parents.
They have spoken about taking the children of some refugees/immigrants to live with families of their own here - providing it doesn't put a strain on our welfare - what about the strain on the Social workers?????
I used to do some work in Sheffield Social Services and know the problems encountered around this - nuff said on that!!
It all comes down to lack of money and the only way out for some is ending their own life - sadly only last year we had a young woman who took her own life in woods just a short walk from where I live.
You are wise to be concerned for your child WCT !!!
And the sorry saga continues me thinks we're heading for meltdown!
There's a report in this weeks' Derbyshire Times about the death of a young chap aged 25 who hanged himself in Poolsbrook Park. I heard about it last week and was absolutely horrified. You always hope its no one you know, and thankfully it wasn't.
He was apparently unemployed, of no fixed abode. But he was someone's son, someone's friend. Someone somewhere will be grieving.
For some reason hanging seems the popular way to end a life these days and I can't think why as if it's not done correctly it must be a pretty horrible death!
I reckon the fight has been knocked out of many of our younger generation.
For some reason hanging seems the popular way to end a life these days and I can't think why as if it's not done correctly it must be a pretty horrible death!
I reckon the fight has been knocked out of many of our younger generation.
I don't think the fight been knocked out everyone just recently was talking to a young guy I'm sure he was thinking of starting a one man revolution!
I don't think the fight been knocked out everyone just recently was talking to a young guy I'm sure he was thinking of starting a one man revolution!
Good for him, let's hope he does :)