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General Category => Chesterfield Discussion => Topic started by: Old Cruser on August 02, 2013, 08:31:30 PM

Title: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Old Cruser on August 02, 2013, 08:31:30 PM
Just read this online in the Derbyshire Times.
The man was hit by a Newcastle Train around 1pm today and has died.
Sorry can't post the link as on the crappy laptop
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Fly on August 02, 2013, 09:14:53 PM
RIP  :(
Can't comment any further.
Not read if he fell or jumped.  :-X
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Old Cruser on August 02, 2013, 09:21:07 PM
It doesn't say Fly but a terrible thing to have happened.
Really sad for all.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Darax on August 02, 2013, 10:32:23 PM
Apparently he jumped, a friend of my family was there at the time.

Horrible thing to happen, thoughts go out to his family. :(
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: ~Aitch~ on August 02, 2013, 10:55:20 PM
Very sad :(
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Old Cruser on August 03, 2013, 09:15:06 AM
Od Dear doesn't bare even thinking about Darax, your family friend will also need some support  :(
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Scimitar on August 03, 2013, 08:33:11 PM
What about the train driver - does anyone think about him/her when someone jumps in to their way?
I know train drivers are on very good salaries, but it doesn't compensate for someone killing themselves in front of your vehicle that you cannot stop in time.
Buses stop fairly quickly; a train is a different story.
Just imagine being a train driver, and seeing the person launching himself on to the track knowing you can't stop the train in time.
How do you think the train driver feels knowing he has just killed someone?
It doesn't bear thinking about, but sadly, it seems an  all to popular way of committing suicide.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: simondjuk on August 03, 2013, 08:44:18 PM
What about the train driver - does anyone think about him/her when someone jumps in to their way?
I know train drivers are on very good salaries, but it doesn't compensate for someone killing themselves in front of your vehicle that you cannot stop in time.
Buses stop fairly quickly; a train is a different story.
Just imagine being a train driver, and seeing the person launching himself on to the track knowing you can't stop the train in time.
How do you think the train driver feels knowing he has just killed someone?
It doesn't bear thinking about, but sadly, it seems an  all to popular way of committing suicide.

My sister in law is a tube driver and its happened to her.  Not nice
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Pete on August 03, 2013, 08:44:46 PM
Its a very sad situation for all involved - and Scimitar makes a good point about the driver.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Fly on August 03, 2013, 08:55:54 PM
I know a train driver who has had this happen to him, a couple of times.
He was married to Our_Lass's niece.
Apparently, they are given 2-3 days off work to 'recover'.
The second time it happened, he went back to work the next day.

Feel sorry for the driver in question, just hope he's as strong.

Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Old Cruser on August 04, 2013, 04:01:34 AM

I say Scimitar - that's a sentance and a half - just noticed it  :-? :)

I wave my private parts at your aunties, you cheesy lot of second hand electric donkey bottom biters.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Tameri on August 14, 2013, 06:37:26 PM
That's really sad :( :(
My mum's friend used to be one of the people who would go and clear up the mess, after accidents on the railway, before he wonder he had mental health problems.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Gerty Gumdrop on August 15, 2013, 06:57:16 AM
:-(  If he DID jump, then I hope his poor tormented mind is now at peace.  Thoughts with the driver too.
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Scimitar on August 15, 2013, 07:07:54 PM
:-(  If he DID jump, then I hope his poor tormented mind is now at peace.  Thoughts with the driver too.
Agree totally Gerty :(
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Unwanted on August 29, 2013, 12:29:59 AM
As an individual who was at the incident, I wanted to contribute to this. I came across this while searching if anyone had found out who the gentlemen was.

To clear one thing, the man climbed down onto the track, turned around and let the train hit him, there was no accident, that was his intention.

I understand that people may feel sorry for him, and it is a sad thing, but let me re iterate what others have said. I like many others have had sleepless nights because of this incident, young children were traumatised by this, even the police were shaken by this. So while that thought of sorrow still lingers, again think of the train driver...nobody is paid enough to do that. They have essentially played a part in the loss of someone's life. While the man who performed this act, has left psychological damage on anyone who was witness to this. Some other poor men had to go and pick u the pieces of body that were left. This is by far the most selfish act a person can take and the way he performed this just makes it all the more worse.

This gentlemen doesn't deserve a thread or more chatter about this act. It is a sad tragedy but there should be no sympathy for him
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Fly on August 29, 2013, 06:38:25 AM
Welcome to chesterfieldonline Unwanted.
I posted my points about the train driver earlier as did others. They do say suicide is the cowards way out and leaves devastation for everybody else. Sadly all so true in this case  :(
Title: Re: Man hit by train at Chesterfield station today
Post by: Old Cruser on August 29, 2013, 09:07:45 AM
Welcome to the forum unwanted.

I can understand you anger and the devastating effect this incident has had on you.

I doubt anyone would choose that death being in a sane mind but agree with you on the long lasting effect it will have on you and others and yes- it's time to put this thread to rest.