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General Category => Chesterfield Discussion => Topic started by: Old Cruser on August 01, 2013, 06:22:17 PM

Title: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Old Cruser on August 01, 2013, 06:22:17 PM
I am really pleased that someone is at last actually 'thinking' about this.
Not sure what can actually 'be done' about it though unless they are caught.
Thought to where the dustbins are put would be good as well.
I totally agree with councillor  Dean Collins is saying (
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Fly on August 01, 2013, 06:44:26 PM
I have been known to dump the car in some funny places whilst picking up customers, double yellows etc, drop kerbs, but do actually 'care' if I'm leaving the vehicle parked.

@OC, Did I ever tell you about the lady who had a go at me for parking on the drop kerb outside the Vic Veranda the day I first met your daughter, (leg incident). I'm hopping around in pain and she sets into me for my parking skills. (F-in taxi drivers !) Don't  know how I managed to keep composed and explain I'd parked there for wheel chair access and would move asap :D
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Old Cruser on August 01, 2013, 06:52:59 PM

Oh! Not are you ok then  :)) (not that it's funny, but people are at times)

It goes without saying you need to park near a dropped curb to let wheelchair users onto the pavement the lady obviously hadn't looked at the whole picture -
Strange how selfish some can be.
Hubby stood back to let a gentleman in our village cross the road a few weeks back.
The chap said it's ok I'm waiting for him (nodding towards a large delivery van parked over the dropped curb and half onto the pavement) he went on to say he was going to give him a telling off as he had obstructed him getting the the shop
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Slacker on August 01, 2013, 07:30:11 PM
Problem on some streets that if everybody parks legally buses and bin wagons can't get past. Obviously older estates were built when cars were rare but now many households have 2 or more vehicles.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Fly on August 01, 2013, 07:52:40 PM
15 mins free parking on double yellows. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  8) (

Yet another case of, "I've never heard anything so stupid in my life"
How the hell do they police that !!
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Big Dave on August 01, 2013, 10:34:21 PM
15 mins free parking on double yellows. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha  8) (

Yet another case of, "I've never heard anything so stupid in my life"
How the hell do they police that !!

How do they police it - CCTV. Video a busy street during shopping hours, note which cars overstay the 15 minutes, get the keeper's details from the DVLA, send FPN (fixed penalty notice) - sorted. It's already being done in many places; some local authorities have mobile CCTV for just that purpose.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: therealjr on August 02, 2013, 07:53:51 AM
Problem on some streets that if everybody parks legally buses and bin wagons can't get past.

Go and examine the Road Traffic Act. As far as I am aware everyone is technically parking illegally because you are obstructing the highway.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Slacker on August 02, 2013, 03:31:16 PM
There's law and there's reality.

Isn't it still legal for a taxi driver to pee against the wheel of his vehicle as long as he keeps one hand on the vehicle? Try that in the middle of town Fly.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Scimitar on August 02, 2013, 07:57:59 PM
Go and examine the Road Traffic Act. As far as I am aware everyone is technically parking illegally because you are obstructing the highway.
Emergency vehicles require consideration too. A Fire response vehicle will not consider vehicles in their way as obstacles, they will make their way through whatever,and sort out the consequences later.As for a bus driver, thats another problem. Reversing nearly 40 feet of bus isn't fun, trust me, in a housing estate due to inconsiderate car parking.
I noticed that they have double yellow lined in front of the parish church. Thats not stopped cars parking in there though - hope they get ticketed.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: pureparty on August 13, 2013, 09:24:24 PM
It's about bloody time something was done about people parking on pavements, sometimes it seems that half of Whittington Moors paths have been converted into a carpark!
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Scimitar on August 13, 2013, 10:09:44 PM
Drivers need to re-read the Highway Code more often.
I passed my car driving test way back in 1977, and didn't touch the Highway Code again whilst learning to drive a Coach in late 2005 for my impending theory test. Thats 23 years, and I remember reading it again and thinking so many times "well, I didn't know that!"
I'm convinced peoples bad parking/driving is a lot to do with ignorance of the "rules of the road."
Obviously you get bad drivers who couldn't give a toss one way or the other.
Ok, hands up, I have not really studied the Highway Code again in any great depth until last year helping my son revise for his driving test.
Maybe a theory re-test every so many years - online or otherwise should be mandatory.
What does the team think ;) :?
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: eabbus on August 13, 2013, 10:54:40 PM
I feel people would benefit from a Highway Code refresher, as long as it isn't seen as a money maker. But our country only does what the eu wants, e.g the driver cpc for those that drive for a living day in day out. I haven't done my training to keep my entitlement for buses which I had through grandfather rights but took the initial training for HGV in 2010, I have my cpc for that until 2015 but lose bus in September, which would cost me £75 for a 7 hour course of which 35 needs to be done. I think a basic common sense Highway Code refresher every five years for every road user at a low cost would be of more benefit.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: pureparty on August 14, 2013, 10:08:17 AM
and just to illustrate my point, outside our shop, parked on the pavement. Parked there simply to "get around" the 1hr parking restrictions that are in force on the actual road.

I've asked a traffic warden who reckoned they had to witness them driving over the kerb....ffs

Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: eabbus on August 14, 2013, 12:15:10 PM
That doesn't look good for trade at all. The new traffic enforcement 'green men' have hardly any powers, the just seem to police marked bays. We have problems with parking down our road, we have a 'H' shape at the top of our drive but it this is overhung by a car even a foot I have to go up the course way opposite and trying to get back in is another issue, but if you mention it to the person and try to explain they take offence and hurl abuse! We've had councillors look at the issues but apparently even that road marking isn't enforceable after the dcc spending thousands on them in the area.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: pureparty on August 14, 2013, 12:36:14 PM
and it's sill bloody there...

The galling thing is I've had a parking ticket for overstaying the 1hr outside the shop but this guys been there for 3 hours and bugger all is done

Can't we have a "dial - a - enforcement officer" hotline?!
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: eabbus on August 14, 2013, 12:54:54 PM
Think it's totally wrong that businesses can't park out side the shop, how do you go on with the no return bit if having to load twice within that time? Another common sense thing on the enforcement side!
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: pureparty on August 14, 2013, 01:22:36 PM
I tried that argument alas they were having none of it!

I even parked further up the road thinking that was a separate area but even though its a different bay and on the opposite side of the road it's still classed as the same "area"

Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Old Cruser on August 14, 2013, 01:55:05 PM
This sounds crackers pureparty, I would have hoped at the  very least you couls obtained a parking permit for outside your shop.

Scimitar the theory test refresher sounds a good idea to me.
Title: Re: Considerate parking - request from DCC
Post by: Slacker on August 14, 2013, 02:02:52 PM
The parking warden at Matlock Bath on Sunday was a bit over-zealous. Ok technically scooters shouldn't park on the footway where the road is yellow-lined but some parts are really wide so no obstruction. I heard he was threatened by someone.

A couple of years ago the warden hinted that he couldn't ticket someone if the reg plate wasn't visible.