Chesterfield Online Forum

General Category => Chesterfield Discussion => Topic started by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 04:28:35 PM

Title: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 04:28:35 PM
Just been to local shop and got presented with a petition to sign against the new proposed Tesco Express where the Somerset House Pub is.
I guess it was only a matter of time.....
Feel sorry for the local shops who will undoubtedly suffer - businesses that have been established many years which could quite literally face ruin overnight.
OK, theres 20 jobs up for grabs, but as many people could lose there jobs from existing shops.
Are Tesco as rampant all over the UK, or is it just Chesterfield?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: therealjr on April 08, 2013, 05:11:59 PM
I'm surprised they are going for the Somerset site given the opposition they have faced over the Crispin. Would have thought it far easier for them to take over the CMC site.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 05:28:10 PM
Cant understand it - the pub has recently got new owners and seemed to be doing very well. Meal times particularly.
They must have had an offer they can't refuse - or is it possible that some subterfuge has gone on here?

Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on April 08, 2013, 05:28:33 PM
The Tesco, Pets at Home and Discount uk have killed the main street in Clay Cross. Shame on the council for taking the bread and butter from businesses that have been their a long time.
Doubt a petition will make any difference.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 05:37:14 PM
Can the council stop them though?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on April 08, 2013, 05:41:25 PM
Don't the council have a say in who can go where I thought they did?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: therealjr on April 08, 2013, 06:25:53 PM
To a degree yes but not totally.
What you have to remember is that a Planning committee is effectively a court of law and as such the planning application is treated in the same way as a defendant in a trial ie innocent until proven guilty. In other words you have to pass a planning application unless you can find specific grounds under planning law to refuse.
So if Tesco were to apply to build another supermarket lets say for the sake of argument on the site of the AGD the council can't simply turned round and say No we really don't want another Tesco. They can say that building a supermarket there would cause chaos on the roundabout or perhaps that building it there would be to the detriment of the post office buildings or some such but no just a flat no.
Now in the case of turning ex pubs in Tesco Express outlets the council have even less power. The building is already classed as being a retail outlet all be it of a certain type. Tesco merely apply to change it from class A4 (drinking establishments) to A1 (Shops) and the council is powerless.
In the case of the Crispin it's not this swap that has been turned down (because as I say the council can't do that) it's the various planning applications that Tesco have put in to change some of the layout, access routes etc.
The councillors themselves also have to be very careful about what they say and do re planning applications. Let's assume for a minute that Slacker was on the planning committee. If a planning application for ANYTHING was submitted and someone at his community forum raised it and wanted it debated Slacker would immediately have to excuse himself from the meeting. If he stayed in the meeting or worse still actually took part in the debate he would disqualify himself from being able to take part in discussions or votes when the application reached committee. Also quite often in the case of major planning applications the planning officers will arrange a site visit on the day of the planning committee meeting so that the councillors can be made aware of the site of applications and the proposal. If Slacker doesn't turn up to the site visit he's not allowed to contribute to the debate or take part in the vote when the application is discussed in committee.
Finally I go back to my court analogy. If the application is found innocent i.e. passed then that is the end of the matter for anyone who might have objected to the application. But if the application is found guilty ie refused then the applicant has the same rights as in any other court to appeal the decision right up to effectively Government level and the Planning Inspectorate. I was involved in an application on Chatsworth road that various residents, councillors and the community forum all opposed. The applicant was turned down 3 times and eventually it found its way to a public enquiry where it was passed. That was the end of the line for the objectors, they had no right of appeal anywhere.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 07:06:09 PM
Thanks JR - very informative.
I wonder if they will consider the possible impact on Emergency Vehicles to & from the Hospital, on what is already a very busy road specially rush hour. I'm sure they will, but again, it may not be enough.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Slacker on April 08, 2013, 07:15:15 PM
Thankfully I am not on planning, too many daytime meetings.

CMC site would have been better but bureaucratically life is easier for Tesco if they take over a pub with a current licence.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 08, 2013, 07:23:19 PM
Seems like a petition is virtually pointless IMHO :(
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: therealjr on April 08, 2013, 11:12:29 PM
I'd agree. As the Crispen is proving it IS possible to delay the process but not stop it completely. The only thing objectors can hope to achieve is to delay the process so long that T**** seek alternatives
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 09, 2013, 12:25:17 AM
Is there not a monopolies commission anymore to stop this type of overwhelming spread of Tescoland?
My employers (Stag@@ach) can't muscle in on someone else's territory without an investigation (allegedly) otherwise they would have obliterated every other bus operator in the land (or tried to).so they are regulated in some way, unlike Tesco which is buying every pub it can find to sell its stuff.
I may be sounding thick here, but i think we also need a monopolies commission to regulate on major retailers like Tesco taking over village shops, and driving the small shop owner out of business.
Conversley, and I'm not racist, how long before most locally run shops by foreign nationals go bust.
Go back to India/ Pakistan. Not likely, because they've lived here for long enough to claim from our benefits system, and quite rightly will do so.
By the way, hypocrite that I am, I will shop there. I will most unlikely have a choice not to.
Cant wait to see the articulated lorry trying to reverse in to the former somerset House car park to deliver its goods whilst the ambulance on the way to the hospital trying to save the life of a critically ill patient whose life is on the line....
Doesn't bear thinking about does it :!
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on April 14, 2013, 10:53:36 AM
Why does everyone seem to hate Tesco more than ASDA or Sainsburys?
It seems a good idea to have a new store in Calow,whats wrong with a bit of competion?
Is it even definite that they are even going to open?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on April 14, 2013, 11:10:26 AM
Hi Jake and welcome to the forum  :)
I am a bit fed up of Tesco's - even though I shop there  ::) because they seem to be everywhere taking over any  place they can get.
Have been shopping with them for many years more because of the choices they have which suit my shopping trolley.
However I have seen quite an increase in their prices over the years maybe more so than others - but maybe someone else will come along and and say different on that one.
I take it you shop at Tesco's then? and I suppose people in Calow may welcome them as not as far to travel for their shopping
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on April 14, 2013, 11:19:16 AM
Cross posting, but going to say it anyway.

>>... whats wrong with a bit of competition?

Nothing at all, but at the rate they are opening up stores and driving other stores out of business, we could be left in a situation where Tesco has no competition hardly and then start to increase their prices.

Point being that competition can lead to no competition - a dangerous situation for the ordinary person. We've got enough companies, like the energy suppliers for instance, that can raise prices without any thought to the quality of folks' lives, with politicians doing very little for people and a lot for big business - and we've seen enough of what happens when big business gets itself into trouble - it's us that bail them out to the tune of billions.

Oh, and welcome to the forums, jake. :)
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on April 14, 2013, 11:35:53 AM
Thanks for the replies,will mull it over!
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on April 14, 2013, 02:27:42 PM
Jake if you are from the Calow area it may well be that you welcome a Tesco there. We found it easier when they built the one in Clay Cross with petrol station as we used to have to go across to the big Chesterfield one. However the main street in clay Cross is now a ghost street and businesses are struggling.
Not familiar with the area in question but I think other posters have questioned 'traffic problems'
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Kent on April 14, 2013, 04:58:36 PM
Hi Jake and welcome to the forum  :)
I am a bit fed up of Tesco's - even though I shop there  ::) because they seem to be everywhere taking over any  place they can get.
Have been shopping with them for many years more because of the choices they have which suit my shopping trolley.
However I have seen quite an increase in their prices over the years maybe more so than others - but maybe someone else will come along and and say different on that one.
I take it you shop at Tesco's then? and I suppose people in Calow may welcome them as not as far to travel for their shopping

Absolutely, I Also have seen this, as well as new packaging of products and up to 100% increase
in some cases.
Chesterfield Borough Council did the Public a GREAT dis-service by turning
down the planning application for the new Asda, not only in the shop prices
but PETROL prices as well.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 15, 2013, 10:03:29 PM
Theres plenty of folks in Calow will welcome a Tesco Express, for example hospital staff on their way too & from work who will find their extended opening hours useful (typically 6am-11pm).
Many people will use it, and it will be - lets say handy, but I doubt they will have the same offers as the "superstores"?
I agree with competition, but it seems that Tesco is the only supermarket supplier with the balls at the moment to take over the pubs and convert them into shops. Surely other supermarket chains could do this as well.
I do feel a bit sorry for the shop at the top of my lane which has been a family run business for decades - its a tiny shop really, but does fabulous cobs/sandwiches to passing trade - which may be the only thing that saves them.
It used to be the Co-op that had village stores (including one in Calow), but it seems Tesco is taking the lead currently.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: España on April 17, 2013, 06:46:52 PM
From all the retail places that I have worked , a tesco express is the easiest to get robbed.
I hate it when my wife does the shopping at tescos
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 17, 2013, 07:25:18 PM
No disrespect to the good peoples of St Augustines, but their Tesco appears to have the Wine bottles next to the doors. So easy for a fleet footed person to just nip in and leg it.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: therealjr on April 17, 2013, 09:17:13 PM
Do we actually know if this is happening or if it's just a rumour.
Reason I ask is if it is going ahead it seems strange that the new licencees of the Somerset are spending a lot of money advertising on Peak FM
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: eabbus on April 17, 2013, 09:39:50 PM
Probably not costing as im sure sean goldsmith does a quiz night there once a week.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: therealjr on April 17, 2013, 09:57:20 PM
Peak are a company same as any other and are actually owned by an Irish company called UTV Media. No-one is getting free advertising
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 18, 2013, 08:14:21 PM
Do we actually know if this is happening or if it's just a rumour.
Reason I ask is if it is going ahead it seems strange that the new licencees of the Somerset are spending a lot of money advertising on Peak FM
I couldn't get my head round that one either, but I noticed today on a telegraph pole outside the pub what looked like several DCC notices.
Also some residents have had letters from Tesco informing them of their intended take over of the premises.
See (
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: eabbus on April 18, 2013, 10:21:14 PM
Actually we have recieved free advertising from peak before. They do a lot of bits and bobs for local charities and businesses that support theyre fundraising efforts eg local heros do get advertising from time to time.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 24, 2013, 05:28:44 PM
From all the retail places that I have worked , a tesco express is the easiest to get robbed.
I hate it when my wife does the shopping at tescos
I went past the former Angel pub in St Augustine's the other evening, and a police van with several officers seemed to be there for a good couple of hours or so. I don't know what had occurred though.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Slacker on April 24, 2013, 08:36:39 PM
Heard the ambulance station is going where CMC was
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on April 24, 2013, 08:37:52 PM
Well that seems to make sense.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on April 25, 2013, 06:32:28 PM
Well that seems to make sense.
Until you have an ambulance responding to an emergency call (life or death remember), and, oh we'll just wait whilst the articulated HGV reverses into the Tesco Express.
 The proposed Tesco is on the brow of a hill - not huge, but nevertheless so. There are no parking restrictions on this stretch of road that I know of. There will be 16 car parking spaces in the Tesco. People will park in there to walk to the Hospital - not to use Tesco, because its free.They may well park up on the main road too, and why not. I don't endorse it, but I think there are very few, if any, parking restrictions, which does concern me. It just promotes the probability of further irresponsible parking on a main road, which in turn creates further traffic delays in the rush hour particularly, and if you, or I should be in the ambulance on the way to the hospital hanging on to life where every second counts......need I say more?
Just my thoughts,concerns - am I an imbecile or can nobody else understand these concerns in particular the best possible direct service for emergency service vehicles to the Hospital?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Fly on April 25, 2013, 06:46:27 PM
Can't believe the number of people I've seen parked half on, half off, the pavement opposite the White Horse in Whittington on my way into town in a morning.
The Somerset will be the same, people travelling towards town aren't going to queue to turn right into a car park, to have to turn right back out of it to continue to town.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on July 26, 2013, 06:42:03 PM
So when is Tesco going to open?
It all seems a bit slow now
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on July 26, 2013, 09:45:17 PM
The latest I know is that NEDDC have approved the application. :(
Banners have gone up in various locations in Calow over the past couple of days, and Dennis Skinner is on the case (I've had a letter from him recently), but more than that I do not know. I know the current owners of the pub do not want it either because they are displaying the banners too.
I have no idea what meetings or further actions by local residents are planned, but I will find out in due course no doubt.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on July 26, 2013, 10:50:21 PM
Everyone that I have spoken to seems to think that a Tesco instead of a pub is a great improvement for the village.
They certainly have a point and I agree with them.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on July 26, 2013, 11:05:30 PM
 Especially the older folk or the very young with no  transport are very keen on the idea.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: pinfold on July 27, 2013, 10:06:30 AM
I have specially joined this forum in order to tell people that I really want a small supermarket in Calow,  it wouldn't have to be Tesco of course, it could be the co-op or anyone else, but it would be so very very useful and good.  And its not going to be one of those massive supermarkets but a useful small one.  I do not drive and don't always want to be catching a bus into Chesterfield just to get a few things.  There are a lot of people in this village who agree with me, I know because I've spoken to them.  There is a decent local shop, where I can get some tomatoes etc. (if they have them in, its unpredictable of course, like all local shops) but its not big enough  ;)for a village of this size.  And where can I get dog food etc. etc. (without paying far more than I would have to pay in a supermarket)? PLEASE let me have my supermarket.  It is right and fair to listen to local people.  We need and want this store.       
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: ~Aitch~ on July 27, 2013, 01:20:38 PM
I'll bet that the "decent local shop" who sometimes have tomatoes are not so keen.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Fly on July 27, 2013, 05:36:22 PM
Hi pinfold. Welcome to chesterfieldonline  :)

I'm all for the new Morrisons in Bolsover as well, yes it may have a downside to it, but deffo a plus for me personally.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on July 27, 2013, 09:22:17 PM
As Aitch says - it will almost certainly drive the small shopkeeper out of business.

And I, for one, don't want Tesco/Walmart (or any other American multinational) dominating our shopping landscape. They are the sort of employer that pay such shit wages that the employees have to claim benefit to live.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Fly on July 27, 2013, 09:42:41 PM
We work for a *** employer. Minimum wage. We can't claim benefits  :o
If Tesco's paid more than my current wage, I'd apply for a job.

Yes things are that bad !!!
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on July 28, 2013, 09:33:18 AM
This is why the M/W needs hiring Fly problem would be in your line of work it would have to be passed on to the punters - would you then have a decline in passengers?
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on July 28, 2013, 10:39:47 PM
@ jake/pinfold I understand what you mean.Suppose you feel a bit isolated re-shopping. I used to go across Chesterfield to do my main shopping as couldn,t do it in our village.Mind you it would give Tesco the go ahead to charge what they wanted as no competition, but as you say you could get all your shopping from them which would I suppose be a big help especially in winter.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on July 28, 2013, 11:19:32 PM
Short term gain - long term price.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on July 29, 2013, 09:22:16 AM
Well I would agree with that Pete having seen the prices of tesco rise over the years, but then I suppose others have but maybe not to the percentage of tesco's.
However the small corner shops can't cater for a full shop these days (not mine anyway) and by comparison of tesco's would cost me more.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on August 02, 2013, 07:41:58 PM
My gripes are as follows:

Tesco claim they will create 20 new jobs. However, if they drive other shops out of competition, the job losses will be much more than 20.

I am greatly concerned about the traffic issues in relation to this. There are no parking restrictions outside the "Somerset", so, if the car park is full, people will park on the road. Remember, this is the main road access to the Royal Hospital - life & death situations possibly being hindered by reckless parking. By the way, the Highways Agency had no objections to the new Tesco site - although I doubt they have monitored traffic.

Once Tesco gain the one and only foothold in Calow, they can charge what they want. And they won't be cheap.

Calow is still a relatively small village (although it has the Hospital on its outskirts), yet faces pub takeovers by Tesco, Gas extraction through extensive drilling from Alkane plc to generate electricity from shale gas (Hydraulic fracturation), which can cause many environmental problems.

I, for one, would not like one of my kin to die because an ambulance could not get to the hospital in time to save a patient because of parked/delivery vehicles accessing Tesco.
I can't beleive there have been no traffic surveys, on what is an already very busy road at peak times.

HOW MANY TESCO'S DO WE NEED :?  Do you not think Chesterfield has enough of them??
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on August 02, 2013, 09:00:43 PM
Good post, IMHO we should resist Tescos taking control.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: jake on August 12, 2013, 08:34:29 PM
What happened to the two SOS banners on the front of the Somerset House?
only there a week.
Has some wag pinched them.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Pete on August 12, 2013, 08:48:22 PM
>> What happened to the two SOS banners on the front of the Somerset House?
Has some wag pinched them.

Probably pinched by someone, but not someone I would class as a wag.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on August 13, 2013, 12:31:20 AM
It seems that the owners of the building (pro Tesco) found out about it, and insisted they remove the banners, so they had no choice but to do so.
So the banners have been "repositioned", with full permission, to the former CMC site over the road - CMC still own the premises opposite the Somerset.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on August 13, 2013, 10:21:49 PM
Further to my previous post, it seems the rumour about an ambulance station @ the former CMC site is largely untrue.
Apparently they only wished to use the workshops around the back, and CMC, who as I say still own the premises, turned them down.
A further rumour being that CMC may wish to return to Calow either as an expansion of their business, or because the move to Clay Cross hasn't worked financially - allegedly :-X
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Lindz on September 20, 2013, 04:17:45 AM
I can't believe that Somerset House is going to be taken over by Tesco. My 3rd Great Grandparents (Denham's) lived in Somerset House in the early 1800's. Such a shame to think that such a fine building will have such tacky connotations. I hope it doesn't happen and if it does, that the building will be preserved.
Sorry, but this is also posted in another forum  :-\
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Fly on September 20, 2013, 06:45:50 AM
Hi Lindz, welcome to Chesterfieldonline  :)
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on September 20, 2013, 09:18:40 AM
Hi Lindz welcome to the forum - no probs with posting on both forums  ;)

I can imagine how disappointing it is for you to have your ancestors home made into a tesco's - if it goes ahead
I suppose it depends on the building and what changes if any they are allowed to make.

Not from calow myself but can understand why people are fed up.
They made a pub on Derby Road into tesco's and can't remember seeing any outer alterations to it, but then it's difficult to scrutinise when driving.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Lindz on September 20, 2013, 01:57:52 PM
Thanks for your welcome, Fly and Old Cruser. If I wasn't living in The Antipodes (Queensland, Australia), I'd be up there with my opposition placard. I visited Calow in 1979 and managed to take a few pics of Somerset House. It's such a fine building and I hope you're right that they'll have to follow strict building regulations. Even over here the developers are knocking a lot of the old buildings down and putting up ugly commercial premises. My great grandmother lived in what was Hasland House (now Eastwood Park); another old demolished house. Another house where ancestors lived was Calow House; does anyone know if that still exists? As you've probably  guessed I love family history and am very proud of my Derbyshire roots. If only we could keep what's left of that earlier time  :-\
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Fly on September 20, 2013, 08:20:54 PM
OT: Good old Australia, my sister lives in Sydney, emigrated about 9 year ago. My mum's currently over there visiting  :)
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on September 20, 2013, 08:27:41 PM
I'm sure someone will come along who knows more about the history of Calow Lindz, unfortunately I don't know anything of Calow House.

Maybe if you started a thread asking about the Calow House it will be spotted by the history buffs.

We also have relatives in Australia and New Zealand (my cousin emigrated there only last week )

Our Australian relatives came over in August this year.
They live in Werribee, Victoria.

My dream is to come over once I have more time (at least a month or more) and have a look around at your country
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Scimitar on September 20, 2013, 10:19:32 PM
I've lived in Calow  all my life, but never known a "Calow House" as such.
Try & tell me where it was/is & I'll see what I can do.
For what its worth, I live on Dark Lane Calow as a reference point. :)
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Lindz on September 21, 2013, 08:33:52 AM
I'm sure someone will come along who knows more about the history of Calow Lindz, unfortunately I don't know anything of Calow House.

Maybe if you started a thread asking about the Calow House it will be spotted by the history buffs.

We also have relatives in Australia and New Zealand (my cousin emigrated there only last week )

Our Australian relatives came over in August this year.
They live in Werribee, Victoria.

My dream is to come over once I have more time (at least a month or more) and have a look around at your country
Thanks. I should do that. Yes, I'm coming across many fellow Poms every day. You do need time to really look around; we are having great weather at present but I reckon we're in for a scorching summer. Still, we're only 10 minutes from the beach  8)
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Lindz on September 21, 2013, 08:38:26 AM
I've lived in Calow  all my life, but never known a "Calow House" as such.
Try & tell me where it was/is & I'll see what I can do.
For what its worth, I live on Dark Lane Calow as a reference point. :)
Thanks, Scimitar. I'll try to give some better coordinates but haven't got the original census copy from 1841, just my handwritten details. I'm not sure whether the house was rented or owned by my ancestor. Two other Denham ancestors were baptised in Calow (William and Samuel Denham). I think they became auctioneers and lived finally in Hasland.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: coldcomfortfarm on June 12, 2015, 02:50:38 PM
The pub has finally closed.  Its a shame all those who went against Tesco did not support the local pub.  I am guessing its now going to lie in ruins similar to the other club down the road. 
What a shame.
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Slacker on June 12, 2015, 08:16:45 PM
I can't believe that Somerset House is going to be taken over by Tesco. My 3rd Great Grandparents (Denham's) lived in Somerset House in the early 1800's. Such a shame to think that such a fine building will have such tacky connotations. I hope it doesn't happen and if it does, that the building will be preserved.
Sorry, but this is also posted in another forum  :-\

Presume you are familiar with this Facebook group (
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Lindz on November 15, 2015, 11:43:29 AM
Thanks for that link. I'm happy to hear that Tesco has scrapped its plans but sorry to hear that the building is now empty. Wish my ancestors had left it to me in their will  ;) .
Title: Re: New Tesco in Calow
Post by: Old Cruser on November 15, 2015, 03:43:50 PM
Thanks for that link. I'm happy to hear that Tesco has scrapped its plans but sorry to hear that the building is now empty.

Wish my ancestors had left it to me in their will  ;) .
   (y)  (y)

Welcome to the forum Lindz  :)