Chesterfield Online Forum

General Category => Chesterfield Discussion => Topic started by: Old Cruser on April 05, 2013, 04:52:02 PM

Title: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 05, 2013, 04:52:02 PM
My tells me she has received a parking fine from the Ravenside, it seems she parked over the limit which is two hours.
Having used Debenhams trying on quite a few dresses, had lunch and a visit to Curry's.
Baring in mind the added eating places and shops with more planned since it was originally built is the two hours free parking enough for some of us?
Is it time to put in parking meters do you think?
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Slacker on April 05, 2013, 06:27:03 PM
Not sure that the landowners could legally enforce it
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 05, 2013, 06:58:34 PM
So what do people do then - walk down from the town centre. If they are being clocked in and out by cameras and bare in mind the planned extension of shops surly 2 hours isn't long enough for some people.
Maybe they need to extend the parking time.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Big Dave on April 05, 2013, 07:11:42 PM
Such parking tickets are not legally enforceable. They are, in effect, an invoice and can be screwed up and binned. You might get a few threatening letters but ignore them.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 05, 2013, 07:52:35 PM
Too late she already paid the fine! She wasn't aware of the 2hour parking and it seems cars registrations are photographed going in/out with times on.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on April 05, 2013, 08:00:07 PM
Would have loved to join this topic earlier, but very difficult on my mobile. Provided links to sites that explain that the 'fine' is worthless etc
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: pureparty on April 06, 2013, 08:30:13 PM
Far too many spaces taken up by people parking and walking up into town, not using Ravenside at all...
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Slacker on April 07, 2013, 09:18:21 AM
The land owners could in theory sue you under contract law (unlikely) or clamp you and demand a release fee (more likely)
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 07, 2013, 02:57:04 PM
So what's the answer then?
Would it be to increase the amount of time for parking - if they can enforce the parking fines it would just work same with people being clocked in and out - doubt that they would ever stop someone from parking for free and walking up into town.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: pureparty on April 07, 2013, 05:26:37 PM
I guess you have to look at how often shoppers are needing more than two hours and if extending that would encourage more of the "nipping up town" type visitors :)
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Big Dave on April 07, 2013, 09:02:23 PM
So what's the answer then?
Would it be to increase the amount of time for parking - if they can enforce the parking fines it would just work same with people being clocked in and out - doubt that they would ever stop someone from parking for free and walking up into town.

They are not fines, they are unenforceable.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 07, 2013, 10:06:51 PM
From what she told me I think it was £40.00 if paid straight away and £70.00 after a longer period - but i will ask her and find out to be more accurate.
If then they are 'not enforceable' how are people to know?
isn't it illegal and shouldn't a sign be put up stating this?
Why does the borough let it happen?
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: therealjr on April 07, 2013, 10:10:11 PM
I'm afraid there's a huge difference between illegal and unenforceable.
They are hoping, as in your case, that people pay up. Either that or adhere to the parking time in the first place.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on April 07, 2013, 10:23:08 PM
Point was though JR my friend hadn't realised it was 2hrs and her point was with the added shops/eating place makes it unrealistic for some people to do it in 2hrs - when the other shops are up and running - what then?
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters? - update
Post by: Old Cruser on May 19, 2013, 07:53:56 PM
Had lunch with my friend last week and it seems her appeal against the fine was granted  :)
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on May 19, 2013, 08:29:23 PM
1. Probably because it wasn't enforceable.
2. The ticket issuers know that.

Nice result though  ;)
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on May 24, 2013, 01:14:34 PM
Went to the ravenside earlier this week browsed and eventually purchased a laptop, moved over the mobile phone sections, took rather a long time as daughter wanted a new one and because of disabilities it needed to be right in certain ways. Ran out of the two hour time before she could buy one!
Have sent a letter to DCC asking if this parking time is to be revised as quite frankly it's silly and business's will lose money.
Let you know if I get a reply.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: therealjr on May 24, 2013, 11:06:47 PM
Chances are you will get a reply saying sorry nowt to do with us.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on May 31, 2013, 04:52:12 PM
Chances are you will get a reply saying sorry nowt to do with us.

Yes spot on JR - got the response today.
I wonder what the shopping managers think of it?
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Slacker on May 31, 2013, 06:12:52 PM
Not sure why you contacted DCC when we discussed earlier in the thread is was private
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on May 31, 2013, 06:34:00 PM
Just re-read the thread Andy, 'Land Owner' was mentioned. Not that the land is 'Private' though.
IE, not owned by Chesterfield or Derbyshire County, or North East Derbyshire councils.

Easy to mix up OC when there's 3 local councils in the same area. Hence JR's comment.
Chances are you will get a reply saying sorry nowt to do with us.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on May 31, 2013, 06:46:17 PM
Not sure why you contacted DCC when we discussed earlier in the thread is was private

I at least thought that being in the Borough the council would have been in some kind of contact with the owners.
Who exactly has built the recent shops/eating places is building the new ones?

This two hour parking was ok when there were only a few shops there - it's a different matter now though.
If I had a business I certainly wouldn't want to go on there at the present time.

I was sent this link with the reply. (
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Pete on May 31, 2013, 06:52:09 PM
Interesting that Land Securities Retail say we have a residential population of 1,110,741 when Wikipedia says we only have 103,800...

Still, I suppose they need to use big figures to get the retailers in.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on May 31, 2013, 06:57:34 PM
Nice use of bllsht basically
and forms part of the Sheffield City Region
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on May 31, 2013, 07:00:29 PM
Am currently emailing them (dog with bone comes to mind  ;) )
See if I get an answer.
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on May 31, 2013, 07:07:25 PM
Good luck. P1ss and wind comes to mind.
Damn smart phone, won't let me spell proportly  ;)

Sent from my Can Of Lager. 
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on May 31, 2013, 07:28:31 PM
@ Fly - tell your can of lager you spell piss like that not this -P1ss

yes i suppose I will get (if they even bother to respond) a load of rubbish, one can but try young man eh - one can but try   ;)
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Fly on May 31, 2013, 07:34:45 PM
One is trying to act adult and not post swear words. One has also had a drink  ;)
One also spent time looking after some old dear who took a fall this morning, and has just realised the post he made on here, isn't here. I must have previewed it and moved on. Didn't press the post button. Hope the old lass is ok.
I really don't want to post the entire story again. So mad with myself.  :-X

Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Slacker on June 01, 2013, 08:26:44 AM
I looked into the issue when a couple of people I know accidentally transgressed the 3 hour limit at Meadowhall Retail Park.

They cannot fine you, they can only sue for breach of contract as it will say somewhere on their notice that by parking there you have entered an agreement.

They send you a notice that looks like a fine but it isn't. The scare people into paying by offering discount for quick payment. If you challenge it and they decided to take you to caught they would have to prove the excess charge is fair and unreasonable. They are unlikely to take it to court though I suppose if same person parked there all day every day to commute they may take this action.

See advice link: (
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Alsatian on June 01, 2013, 09:40:35 AM
Am currently emailing them (dog with bone comes to mind  ;) )
See if I get an answer.

Oy! I resemble that remark!  :))
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Old Cruser on June 01, 2013, 10:17:40 AM
Oy! I resemble that remark!  :))

Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters? - reply from land owners
Post by: Old Cruser on June 03, 2013, 10:44:11 AM
Very impressed by at least a reply - and a prompt one as well. I have replied and asked if there is not another way around it - but don't suppose there is.
I am always under the impression - 'there is always a way - we just have to give it more thought'

 at least I've tried.

See below

Thank you for your email about parking at Ravenside Retail Park, Chesterfield. I understand the point you are making and we will keep the parking period under review in the light of the new retail units opening but, as you must appreciate, we need to prevent people using it for free parking and going into the town centre and thereby clogging up the car park with non retail park users cars. If people genuinely overstay and produce receipts for goods purchased on the retail park, we are willing to consider a waiver of any Penalty Notice Charge that might be issued due to overstaying. I hope the above helps explain the situation for you. Kind regards, Nick Wilkins
Retail Warehousing Manager
Land Securities Properties Ltd
Property Management
Title: Re: Ravenside - do we need parking meters?
Post by: Slacker on June 03, 2013, 01:45:15 PM
Seems a reasonable response. Not sure what their thoughts would be about people parking once and using all three retail parks