Chesterfield Online Forum
General Category => Chesterfield Discussion => Topic started by: emmz on December 04, 2012, 07:18:05 PM
On the end of chester st has closed. Boarded up with metal gate thingys on the windows, heard it was because of some underageers but surely it would just be closed not boarded up?
Wasn't Becky Measures supposable running it? AKA Peak FM
It did have a problem with under age and it did belong to Becky Measures.
It's boarded up because its been broken into again.
Its re-opening under New management later this week I believe.
Cheers Alsatian. Thought I was correct :-X
It did have a problem with under age and it did belong to Becky Measures.
The problem was that they got caught!! Love the way she then tried to shift the blame and say everyone needed to carry ID (
This happened in the early days of her taking over, not sure if it continued to be a problem.
Went down to Oakstock on August Bank Hol and what was once a major event had diminished to a minor indoor event.
Not sure why anyone would take a pub on these days, the one near me keeps closing then re-opening with new management.
The Oak was served with a 48 hour closure notice due to underage drinking and was closed from 8pm on Friday, they got vandalised on Sunday night and windows smashed so Enterprise Inns have had to board it up to protect their property.
Regarding Oakstock, if you are a regular reader of these pages you would know that "Oakstock Reborn" was held on Sunday 25th August (as per the banner on the side of the pub which is still there) and that the "minor event" of Bank Holiday Monday was actually the event which was due to be held at The Badger, Brockwell but fell thru due to complications at the venue and was kindly taken on by Alex & Becky and had to be held indoors due to the weather (it rained if you remember)
Maybe if people actually frequented the pubs instead of just lamenting when they have closed down...
Slacker DID go down to the Royal which is why he commented on the inside part of Oak stock.
I used to be a regualr member when it held Jam night mainly as i was friends with one of the musicians. I did hear it was because of Underage drinkers I think its becoming harder though to recognise who is and isn't under the age of 18/21/25
I hope it is just a case of it being shut for a time so will keep my eye out :)
Hmm In future i might not ask lol
Was just curious as i walk past the pub often and was shocked when i saw it boarded up last night,
It wouldn't bother me if they shut all the pubs down TBH. I don't mind going out for a drink but have been there done that back in my younger days and would much rather go to a restaurant for a meal and few glasses of wine. Sadly we haven't any near us in walking distance which I would frequent these days. :(
Got to disagree with you there CC.
The costs to the tenants are so high there is bugger-all profits to be made in your average pub - and they can never match the business model of purpose-built places like Wetherspoons. Also Wetherspoons can spend so much more developing their brand and advertising, that local pubs can only dream about.
Whilst I don't doubt there are pub landlords/managers that could do more, I am convinced that the total ban on smoking and the price of supermarket alcohol plays a bigger part in the demise of the local pub.
@exposurelivemusic - totally agree with you when you say "Maybe if people actually frequented the pubs instead of just lamenting when they have closed down..."
I try and get out as much as I can, especially if there is a live band on - in fact, me and my missus went to the Royal Oak on Bank Holiday Monday, as was said before, it was moved indoors because of the weather.
Funnily enough it is my birthday today and one gift I received was a voucher for the Old Post Restaurant. :) Perfect for me as wild horses couldn't drag me into a Wetherspoons pub - dreadful, noisy places with sprogs left to run riot by chavvy parents.
All IMHO of course.
Happy Birthday :-)
Thank you Flyboy :)
Happy Birthday Pete :)
I wouldn't mind going to a pub which wasn't full of young males/females effing and getting pie eyed not my idea of a night out don't think there are any round here though. :(
Would agree with you there Pete - no pleasure for us either with young kids running amok.
OMG just realised --- I have turned into my MOTHER !!! ;D ;D ;D
@Pete - I am convinced that the total ban on smoking and the price of supermarket alcohol plays a bigger part in the demise of the local pub.
Nail and head spring to mind, and let's not forget that, 9 times out of 10 the landlord/lady are not masters of their own destiny - they are 'guided' by a management company and cannot always be held responsible for an establishments downfall.
Sermon over and happy birthday Pete!
Its a shame about the general demise of pubs - it seems the likes of Wetherspoons as well as the real ale pubs still make a go of it, although I have not been in a pub on a regular basis for yonks.
Local pubs should be supported, if for no other reason than its a place to socialise with other locals.
However, its a hard job running a pub (apparently), and with pubs closing all the time, its no wonder people won't take up the challenge, specially if it means a major financial commitment which could leave you bankrupt if it goes belly up.
£3.00 a pint - not on is it? Petrol's cheaper, and think about the processing that has to go through before you can buy it at the pump?!
Rant over.
P.s Happy Birthday Pete ;D
@scimitar - <£3.00 a pint - not on is it? Petrol's cheaper>
Yes, but it leaves a nasty aftertaste!
Happy Birthday, Pete :)
Happy Birthday Pete. Would be interested to know your opinion on the Old Post now it has had a revamp and is under new management. :)
Thanks for the birthday wishes folks :)
@ poppy - I'll be glad to share my experience at the Old Post (especially as the voucher is for £100... )
@scimitar - <£3.00 a pint - not on is it? Petrol's cheaper>
Yes, but it leaves a nasty aftertaste!
The shutters were off and workmen were being very industrious when I walked part this morning.
Has Miss measures been ousted altogether then? Didn't look like the upstairs had much in the way of things in it, and i have seen a let sign up at the pub.
I walked past just as they were getting started with the shutters this morning.
I do hope that someone takes it on it was a nice pub and used to go there regular when they used to host Jam night.
These days go to a pub a bit out of Chesterfield called the Peacock a lovely place and has just been revamped obviously a tad on the expensive side but alright if you are walking and want a quick pint.
Was in wetherspoons other day minus sprog was really busy! But if im honest I don't like busy pubs i get claustraphobic :(
Oh yeah happy birthday Peteeeeeeeee
Miss Measures has left the building!
According to my spy (aka daughter) someone else has taken the pub over.
I remember when I worked at the AGD, walking home past the pub and how it was always packed - my how times have changed.
It was always the pub of choice for CBC Engineers Christmas parties after we'd been to the
Dysentry Dynasty
And a happy Birthday Peter From Here
Cheers Kenty :)
Where are we having the Christmas drink?..... :-[